mercury/jupiter I/O/Q cycle begins—dec. 30th

The I/O/Q triad is a working theory of mine—a pattern I noticed when first paying closer attention to transits.

And now it is time for Leo Jupiter to get his wondrous energies funneled to the Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces side of the Various-Vintage-Illustrations-019zodiac.

Capricorn Venus began her cycle with the King of Planets last week that was muddled by a Finger of God aspect with the Pisces Moon.

But Cappy Mercury begins his dance with Leo Jupiter on a more unadulterated footing, Tuesday the 30th, when the two meet up in a quincunx at the 21º.

Jupiter is recently retrograde, which means the resultant thought expansion of the above coupling will take an introspective trajectory. This is not necessarily uncomfortable for Capricorn is naturally a sign suited for reflection and analysis.

The ending of the year can be one of quiet contemplation.  We can ground ourselves if we choose—remember, inconjuncts are about choosing to act with the given energies, spending the last days of 2014 looking contently behind to better plan ahead.

Leo can give Capricorn the magnanimity to let go of the past, freeing us to exercise the Goat’s Cardinal talent for building our best lives possible into 2015—time-tested and steadfast.

Or one could simply sit, serene, with the satisfying myriad of noble ideas coming into view under this celestial frequency.

To help us in our journey, this will be a gracious and forgiving atmosphere to work out all those resolutions we have lurking ’round the bend.


3 thoughts on “mercury/jupiter I/O/Q cycle begins—dec. 30th

  1. Barbara says:

    It’s as though you are journaling to just me. These transits and readings being so poignant in my own chart it is reassuring to have sage advice and guidance from a new spiritual guide.
    Thanks to the solstice bringing you here.

    Peace, light, and harmony

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] Pisces Mercury exacts his last quincunx with Leo JupiterRx today, too. This one is easier to stomach and it probably will help you with Venus/Saturn. […]


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