. . . becoming your destiny—sept. 11th 2016

Came across this quote yesterday as I lazily surfed online. I have read it dozens of times, as most of you probably have, too. Only this time, its wisdom lined up nicely with what I am seeing in the current sky.

“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Line by line breakdown:

  • thoughts into words–>Virgo Sun conjunct a retrograde Virgo Mercury trining Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto
  • words into action–>Sagittarius Mars squaring the Sun/Mercury conjunction
  • actions into habits–>Libra Venus squaring the Moon/Pluto conjunction
  • habits into character–>tight Sagittarius Saturn square to Pisces Neptune
  • character into destiny–>Virgo/Pisces nodal axis tied into Saturn, Pluto and Neptune

Virgo is practical—good ol’ everyday nitty-gritty. The brain working with the nuts and bolts of hands in dirt. A retrograde Mercury in its own sign is a blessing—a reflective opportunity to get completely clear on what tricks your mind plays on you. Those little whispers are your greatest tool or your greatest liability.

Allow the intense feeling wisdom of Moon conjunct Pluto to be the guide.

Pay attention to the beginning.

How do your thoughts nourish you?  How do they sabotage you?  Are you proud of the result of those little seedlings?


weekend, now—pivots and action points—june 12th – 14th

Rossetti_1915_Sing_Song_Girls_AngelSo, Mercury is now direct!! Neptune is now retrograde; Saturn is hovering at the zero degree. Jupiter and Uranus are still givin’ the good vibes from their fiery thrones and the Sun and Mars are of one mind in Gemini.

That’s the weekend in a nutshell, folks.

Luna will spend today and tomorrow in Taurus—slow and steady and oh, so sensual—interacting with Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and Venus in Leo. All nice for a relaxing weekend. She will then move to Gemini on Sunday, conjuncting Mercury and opposing Saturn as he regresses into Scorpio that night—gearing up mentally for the work week ahead.

The Sun overtakes Mars at 23° Gemini on Sunday, as well—beginning a new cycle for our Warrior.

In one way or another, everything mentioned leads back to the intellectualism of Gemini.

Ideas, ideas, ideas. Retracing to inject cheerful wit and bold genius.



and for the week—energy, imagination, passion and calm—june 8th – 11th

George-Barbier-LAir-868-35This week’s skies are dominated by the Gemini Sun/Mars conjunction sextiling Aries Uranus and Leo Jupiter, who themselves are in trine. At first the sextile to Jupiter is the strongest, but by week’s end, as the Moon comes to help, the interaction with Uranus takes command.

What it all means is we can look forward to a relatively productive week.

We will effortlessly have enough energy to get what needs done, done. It simply won’t cross our minds to procrastinate—we’ll be squarely in the ‘now’ of doing—Mars cazimi to the Sun and all! Jupiter adds confidence and good humor; Uranus lends genius and riotous know-how.

I’m not complaining.

On the emotional front, well, lovely Leo Venus and dapper Gemini Mercury Rx* sextile for most of the week. Our minds can easily tap into the beauty all around—this is a pleasant and calming boost to the whole shebang!

For her part, Luna is moving to Pisces as I type, shortly to square Saturn Rx in Sagittarius—perfect mentality to get the work week started. As she drifts through the Mutable waters Monday and Tuesday, intense imaginative solicitude will be collectively available.

Then by Wednesday, she has switched gears to the fiery passions of Aries, fueling the energies of the boys in Gemini. She interacts benevolently with most, save for a square to Capricorn Pluto Rx which may cause some minor power struggles. But by Thursday evening she is VOC, allowing us to rest up overnight to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for Friday!

Yeah, still not complaining.


* I have noticed a glaring lack of hand-wringing about Mercury retrograde this go-round in Gemini. What’s goin’ on?

weekend augury—happy, happy, joy, joy!—june 5th – 7th

WoutiersTheTriumphofBacchusKHMIt’s looking to be a wonderfully positive couple days!! Nothing but trines and sextiles (oh, ok, a couple oppositions, too)!!

Today, lovely Venus moves to big-hearted Leo—where she stays for the summer due to her retrograde. Lucky us! And the Capricorn Moon makes a few final aspects before becoming VOC for the remainder of the day.

All weekend, Gemini Mars approaches a conjunction with the Sun, while sextiling both Jupiter and Uranus—Fire and Air!! All will brighten and we will have plenty of confidence to work and maybe party! This configuration becomes tightest Monday but we surely benefit now, too.

Tomorrow the Moon has moved to Aquarius to oppose Venus, then trine Gemini Mercury Rx. For her part, Venus trines Saturn Rx in Sadge. We’ll feel stable but also extravagantly sincere in our day-to-day emotional dealings. Fire fanned by the winds of Air.

Also Saturday, the Gemini Sun quincunxes Capricorn Pluto adding depth and intensity to Gemini’s fluttering mental gymnastics—great for conversations and such.

Sunday, sees Luna livin’ big with a sextile from Jupiter and Uranus AND trining the Sun & Mars. Aquarius loves the people and engaging socially will be a no-brainer under this influence!!

The Moon then goes VOC for the evening, so we can relax and ready for the work week.

Good times.


the future is now!!—gemini/sagittarius full moon—june 2nd

Today, around Noon is the Full Moon at 11° Gemini/Sagittarius.

Perle-glezna-webThis axis is one of communication, travel and education. Gemini is more your cozy neighborhood, while Sagittarius is searching all corners of the world for knowledge.

Today’s luminary opposition is squaring Neptune Pisces creating a Mutable t-square—9°-12° Virgo, it’s ON!!!  Almost in lockstep with the Lunation, Gemini Mars is exacting his first quincunx with Capricorn Pluto Rx, while Mercury Rx still interacts kindly with the Nodal Axis.

Added all together, it communicates (Gemini/Sadge) a celestial push to realize your dreams (Neptune/Nodal Axis) but with the full knowledge that getting there isn’t gonna be easy (square/inconjunct). Nope, you’re gonna have to use your brains (Gemini Mercury) and work for it (Mars), HARD (Pluto). But with discipline and determination (Capricorn Pluto) the world WILL answer your call (Gemini/Sagittarius).

It’s wide open (Mutable), ya’ll!!!

There is no Lunation more apt to kick off the ‘rest of your life’ for all the graduating students this time of year than a Full Moon in Gemini/Sadge.

Big fish in the small pond (Gemini) is progressing to little fish in the big pond (Sagittarius). The day-to-day is being replaced with the unknown—a much bigger, scarier journey than before. All the education and growing, all the brainstorming and philosophizing are the tools you’ll need to get you on with it!!

Who knows where the adventure will lead, but the destination was never the point, was it?

Happy Full Moon!!!



week ahead—critical control—june 1st – 4th

Sunset-by-Caspar-David-FriedrichHoly crap, it’s June!!!

And for the first week, it’s actually a busy couple of days.

Today, the Moon finishes her monthly in Scorpio, moving to Sadge joining Saturn at 0°. The intensity of this placement is exacerbated by Luna and Father Time being at critical degrees—but trying to keep it all under tight rein, like Scorpio and Saturn are want to do. Tense!

Tuesday sees the Gemini/Sagittarius Lunation, where Mars plays an important role. (I will go into more detail in a subsequent post.) Then by suppertime, we contend with a wide Grand Fire Trine among the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus, that will no doubt help with the FM hangover.

Wednesday, Luna goes VOC just after sunrise and remains so till after sunset.  Sandbag the work day, if you can, unless, of course, you need to use the Void to your advantage!

Thursday, the Capricorn Moon works her way through aspects to the Nodes and Neptune to reach Pluto, late. The vibe is reminiscent of how we began the week under a Scorpio Moon conjunct Saturn—emotional discipline and control.

Also, similar is the day’s critical degree/out of sign square between Cancer Venus and Sagittarius Saturn Rx at 29° and 0°, respectively.

Don’t let this get you down. Remember your worth and know you have what it takes!


on deck for the weekend—another fiercely lazy one—may 29th – 31st

Edward-Robert-Hughes-Painting-022All weekend, the Gemini Sun conjunct Mercury Rx will square Pisces Neptune, while sextiling/trining the Nodal Axis in Libra/Aries.

We aren’t gonna want to do anything—except drink and socialize with friends—if it’s not too much bother, of course.

And with all this Mutable energy splattered over the place, things may get a little sloppy.


Today, the waxing Moon gets zapped from all sides (opposes Uranus, squares Pluto and Venus, sextiles Jupiter), so there is plenty to talk about. Luna is still in Libra—so, we definitely want to interact with others and shoot the shit as the energy builds for next week’s Full Moon.

But tomorrow, she moves into Scorpio and the intensity amps up. We will want to hang with only the chosen few in our circles. Nice and intimate, like.

Sunday, again Luna dances with many—Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto and Chiron.  Lots of Water to keep the emotions running high, with a dash of Fire to steam up the embers of the eighth sign.

This one may have us party hard at first, but see us retreating into our own safety zone’s by weekend’s end.


only if you want it—jupiter inconjunct pluto—may 21st

Mikalojus_Konstantinas_Ciurlionis_-_FAIRY_TALE_II_-_1907Well, today the quincunx between Leo Jupiter and Capricorn Pluto Rx exacts at 15° 16′.

I still have a brutal headache from seeing 3-D Fury Road on Tuesday—so, I’m gonna keep it short. (If you haven’t seen this yet, DO NOT MISS IT!!!!)

So, an inconjunct is an aspect that must be implemented manually—it’s at your disposal if you care to partake, otherwise it sits lingering as a faint whisper.

Jupiter and Pluto together can be summed up in two words—confidence and power.

These guys have been inching together for over a week now, the effect is strongest today and will remain palpable for another week.

Coupled with the intensity of today’s Cancer Moon/Venus conjunction opposing Pluto along the quintessential Cardinal axis, the Universe is screaming:

Fake it till you make it!!! 

Can do.


week ahead—scattered, but so what!!—may 18th – 21st

Arthur-Rackham-Illustration-036We wake today with a waxing Moon in Gemini after last night’s Taurus New Moon.

Ok, so there are three general events for the week—the Moon working her way through the third and fourth signs, Mercury going retrograde (today around 10PM EST) and the Sun ingressing to the sign of the Twins.

Yep. The majority goes down in Gemini.  Mutable Air.

An intellectual, flighty, witty, superficial zone, full of bright ideas and irony.

Today and tomorrow, the Moon will oppose Saturn, conjunct Mars and Mercury and sextile Uranus. With this and the retrograde, our minds will be scattered to the winds—BUT SO WHAT!!!!

It is a wonderful couple of days to brainstorm in high Gemini fashion, not insisting on a death grip of control. For when Luna moves to Cancer on Wednesday, the need for control will amp up, exponentially. And that’s OK, too.

A Cancer Moon is strong and touchy feely Water will drench us all as she conjuncts Venus and interacts with each and every outer planet Titan in a succession of fierce Cardinal mothering.

Geez!! How and what we nurture will take center stage!

This gives us a brief respite from all things Gemini, for the Sun ingresses Thursday morning almost precisely as the Leo Jupiter/Capricorn Pluto Rx quincunx exacts. More on both later.

Ah, Gemini—Spring’s malleable harbinger of Summer.


just enough is plenty—taurus new moon—may 18th

This evening, shortly after midnight, the Sun and Moon conjunct at almost 27° Taurus.

the-fruit-bearers-Taurus is Fixed Earth.

Solid and true. Stubborn and predictable. Abundant, sometimes greedy.

The two Luminaries make no major aspects with another planet, thus standing alone in their union—completely appropriate.

But hours before they exact, Luna trines Capricorn Pluto Rx and squares Leo Jupiter—bringing more Earth and more Fixed energy into the equation. (Jupiter and Pluto are currently quincunxing, preparing to exact on the 21st—more on that later.)

On her own, Taurus cares deeply about stability, longevity and bounty. But with the above celestial additions, issues of trust and security become paramount in tonight’s event. There will be a near obsessive questioning of how much is enough?

And do I have it?

Love. Health. Friends. Joy. Money. Food. Laughter.

Yes, the area this Lunation occurs in your natal is probably keeping you awake at night of late—nevermind if you have planets or points at the exact degree.

Scary business when fundamental surety is lacking.

We all know life is never a sure thing, but it still worries us from time to time—and some more than others and in very different ways and at different times!!!

Ok, so how to calm these fears using tonight’s Taurean energy? Well, it is quite simple, really—ritual and routine.

Start one!

The more personal and innocent the better—make it your own inside joke with the universe! A mini-prayer and promise that things are gonna be OK.

The Bull is slow and steadfast—the simple act of lighting a candle or brewing a cup of tea (or whatever!!) when certain fears surface, then doing it over and over, day after day, will pacify the demons and ground the spirit.

Will it fix the problem—uhmm, NO!! But it will center your resolve to carry on and carrying on is the Bull’s bread and butter!

Happy New Moon, ya’ll!
