jumping off the deep end—mecury in pisces—march 12th – 30th

The Planet of Communication and Messages left the eleventh sign yesterday and has headed into Pisces.  In a sense, our minds are catching up to the Sun, who is currently there now, and Venus & Mars, who have recently Warwick-Goble-Vintage-Illustration-007traversed the last sign of the zodiac, themselves.

Pisces Mercury is a softy. And, for about a week, he and the Sun’s presence together in the Mutable Water sign will create a pleasant balance to all the Fire raging in the Heavens.

For the masses, this ingress signals a shift from a rational Aquarian mentality to the imaginative whimsical waves of Pisces.

We will find ourselves to be a little extra imaginative, a sight more intuitive and a tad bit more sensitive to our surroundings. Our thoughts and words will mirror this.

Generally, it will be easier to express emotion but if slighted, we will be drawn to escape inward to a fantastical day-dream that provides the necessary security such a fragile disposition requires.

For the most part, our inner worlds will fill with rainbows and unicorns for the next 3 weeks—some of us will feel right at home among such reverie, while others will scoff, kicking and screaming the entire way.

I don’t know about you, but it may feel extra nice to get a little lost.




mercury clears the shadow—mar 4th

Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-055Yesterday was Aquarius Mercury‘s final day in his retrograde shadow at 17º.

Clearing the shadow means a planet that was retrograde, and now has turned direct, has passed the degree of the zodiac where the ‘backward motion’ began, e.g., Mercury’s current retrograde cycle was between 17º – 1º Aquarius.

For the person on the street, this means ALL influence of the retrograde has disipated.

It’s over—for real! No more posts about this event, I promise!!!!

It has been well over a month long process of back and forth for the Winged Messenger, but he is now out of the woods.

It’s onward to playing the boomerang planet to the current Jupiter Rx/Pluto/Chiron/Sun yod—you’ll be able to coolly think it through, then talk it out.

Next, the Messenger God is trined by dear Luna from Libra on the 8th—intellectualizing emotions.

Finally, for most of the next week, he widely sextiles Venus in Aries, before leaving the sign late on the 12th of March.

Bye, bye Aquarius.

(The sextile with Venus is usually a simple and subtle ‘feel good’ energy.)



holy fire balls—march 1st

Alright, four main astrological things go on today.Mikalojus_Konstantinas_Ciurlionis_-_FRIENDSHIP_-_1906_-_7

  • Aries Venus conjuncts the South Node
  • Aquarius Mercury opposes Leo Jupiter Rx
  • Mercury sextiles Aries Uranus
  • Jupiter Rx trines Uranus

Tons of Fire with Mercury fanning the flames from an Air sign.

Shall we?

Combining these events, three clear celestial theatres of the day emerge.

#1  Venus will go to work on your past—namely letting go of dead weight. Finally putting to rest any relationships and/or financial habits that are more roadblock than sure shot will be high on the agenda.

It will be fast, Aries style, along the lines of “What the hell have I been doin’ all these years?!?!?!?”

#2  Mercury will go to work on your future. He and Jupiter finally get to exact their opposition at 14º. They were denied this act back when Mercury went retrograde literally hours before culmination and now it will be realized.

Here the logic of Aquarius waltzes with the faith of Leo. Back and forth, back and forth. Add to this dynamic the out-of-this-world operations of Uranus and it makes for a heady couple days of uncanny mental insight.

#3  As for Jupiter trining Uranus, we are implored to contemplate how religion, education and politics can be used to make the world a better place . . . or not?

Their trine lasts longer than the short-lived trysts of Venus and Mercury, sticking around through Thursday’s Full Moon, on into the second week of March. I will have plenty more to say about this duo in later posts.

Lastly, please keep in mind, there is a myriad of planets in Fire in the Heavens. Things happen quick and sometimes it will burn.

Choose to see it as a cauterization rather than a inferno and the times to come will be warm and inviting.


third time’s the charm—aquarius mercury sextile sagittarius saturn—feb 19th

Ok, Mercury and Saturn sextile today.

Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-055This is the third and final time these two meet in this manner due to the recent Mercurial retrograde in Aquarius.

Here’s the scoop from the first time and the second.

Mercury is our minds and means of communication.  Saturn is time and discipline.

These are the themes.

With this trifecta of sextiles, the beginning degrees of your Aquarius House has been called to get its thinking straight and stay the course with only tried and true plans.

Few signs are smarter than a smart Aquarius and few aspects can cut through the bullshit better than easy Mercury/Saturn.

All this has been a gift in some specific  aspect of your life, depending and the final present is delivered today. Yay!

Though still technically in the shadow, no more reversed retrograde energies to content with either—full steam ahead, baby!

Again, Happy New Year, ya’ll.


it’s over!!! (mostly)—mercury direct—feb 11th

Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-055Ok, ladies and gentlemen, today, Aquarius Mercury begins perceived forward movement at 1º of the Fixed Air sign.


This is fabulous news for many. The last 3 weeks have been fraught with a multitude of communication/travel breakdowns in my circle and probably yours, as well.

Busy Hermes begins his trek back through Aquarius, where he again meets up with Saturn, the Nodes, Uranus and finally full out opposes Leo Jupiter before clearing the shadow on the 3rd of March. (This, my dears, is the date we are fully out of the woods.)

No worries. All that means is there is still time to get all those sloppy loose ends tied nicely in pretty bows and definitively cross those illusive t’s and dot those pesky i’s.

Look to the house 1º Aquarius occupies to shine a light on what you get to rework again in the coming weeks.




a dash of logic—merc rx sextile saturn—feb. 5th

Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-055Today Aquarius Mercury Rx is sextiling Sagittarius Saturn at 3º.

This is the second time these two have met while in the Air and Fire signs, but the only time this go round they will aspect while a retrograde is in effect.

To refresh—Saturn is time and discipline, while Mercury is our mind and learning capabilities.

Easy aspects between the pair, such as this sextile, point to innate decision making aptitude.  There is a natural patience available that will forego rash judgments, choosing the logical, steady course instead.

When used to its highest expression, the added influence of Retrograde Mercury signifies thoughts and plans of action of a more internal trajectory. Ideas that begin on the personal level and work their way to the outer world, rather than the environment working on the individual.

It’s more of ‘what can I do today to better things for my future?’ Rather than ‘such and such has happened, now I must adapt to the new stimuli.’

For the next couple, the affairs of your Aquarius sector will have the benifit of steady, rational Earth-tempered Fire.

This can only be seen as a boon.

And if the retrograde still muddies Saturn’s truth for you, these two will meet for a third time on the 19th, sans backward motion.


of angels and kings—leo full moon—feb. 3rd

warwick6Tomorrow evening, at around 6 PM EST, we have the Leo Full Moon at 14º.

The Sun/Moon opposition will be forming a boomerang yod with Capricorn Pluto and the recent Pisces Mars/Chiron conjunction AND the outrageous Uranus/Pluto square is in full effect.

Pretty potent stuff!!

So, let’s get started.

Remember to pinpoint the houses the Leo/Aquarius axis falls to know exactly where the business is going down for you.

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mercury rx sextile uranus/south node—jan 27th

On his way backward through Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde is meeting up with Aries Uranus conjunct the South Node, Tuesday, the 27th, Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-055when the three sextile at the 13º.

The last time this occurred was two weeks ago on the 13th, though that time Hermes was conjunct Venus.

This time, the Messenger God flies solo.

Mercury and Uranus together in Air and Fire, respectively, speak to inspired genius. Expect brilliance to flow effortlessly.

The addition of the Uranus + South Node requires a radical roll call of what should be brought with us into our future and, more importantly, what should be left triumphantly in our past.

Mercury gets squared my the Taurus Moon Tuesday, as well. Take all the above and add a little extra dose of worry and emotional restlessness to the mix.

One down side to the whole mash-up is the Uranian tendency to forget to look before he leaps, but the intrinsic introspective logic of Retrograde Aquarius Mercury will likely put the brakes on anything too outrageous.

Use this energy to finish up any creative endeavors, for your inventive mind will know few boundaries with the help of Fiery Uranus, while the steady waters of the Taurus Moon will insure depth of expressive Mercurial power.


keys to aquarius mercury retrograde—jan 21st thru feb 11th

Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-055It’s upon us again, folks—the dreaded Mercury Retrograde.

Today at 10:55AM EST, Hermes will begin retracing his steps from 17º Aquarius all the way back to 1º.

Yes, all the way back to the beginning!

See, the good news is we’ve been in the Retrograde Shadow all this time—since the 5th of January.  So, these energies will hopefully feel a bit old hat to us by now.

The not-so-great news is Mercury will remain retro till February 11th, but won’t pass the 17th degree (meaning he clears the Shadow) til the 3rd of March.

Nearly two whole months with this vibe out there—hell, the actual retrograde could be seen as the calm eye of the hurricane. Yeah?


First, I am gonna run down all the stuff the mental Water Bearer gets up to on his little escapade. Then I want to talk a bit about why we should relax and see this whole terrible travesty as an opportunity.

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season of the water bearer—jan 20th

Tuesday, the 20th, sees the Sun ingressing to the 11th sign of Aquarius, followed shortly by the Moon.

lightning-1909The two Luminaries conjunct at 0º roughly around 8AM EST.

We’ll be waking to a new day, a new astrological month and a new lunation cycle.


The first New Moon of 2015 continues last year’s pattern of Sun ingresses coinciding with the start of a new Lunar month. The zero degree of a sign is mighty potent and, therefore, adds quite a punch to the energy backing intentions set at this time.

And true to Aquarius’ unconventional nature there will be a SECOND New Moon February 18th at the crisis-laden 29th degree.

Oh Boy!

So, let’s get to know Aquarius a little bit better to best utilize the celestial toys we get to play with this month!

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