of service and surrender—virgo/pisces full moon—march 5th

Today is the Virgo/Pisces Full Moon at 14º. Saule-Ct168-1024x847

I spoke about Mercury’s role in this event a couple of days ago and yesterday’s post related some of what Venus is up to today.

So, along with the Full Moon proper, I will concentrate on the following pieces to this intricate Lunation:

  • Mars conjuncts the South Node in Aries
  • Venus/Uranus quincunxes the Virgo Moon
  • Luna trines Cappy Pluto and opposes Pisces Chiron
  • Sun conjuncts (albeit widely) Chiron (adding himself to the reformed Jupiter Rx/Pluto/Chiron Yod)


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good yod, ya’ll—feb 17th – 26th

So, today a Finger of God is forming between Chiron, Pluto and Jupiter Rx, as the focal planet and lasts well into next Florence-Mary-Anderson-Illustration-041week.

It will be in effect for tomorrow’s New Moon and the Sun’s ingress into Pisces, as well as Mars & Venus into Aries.

Although the yod proper falls apart on the 26th, when the quincunx of Jupiter/Chiron busts up, the inconjunct between the God of the Underworld and the King of Planets remains strong.

It is further bolstered by the addition of a trine from Aries Uranus at 14º on March 3rd, solidifying the ever present Chiron/Uranus/Pluto thorn.

This thorn has been around since last Fall, so we are well acquainted with its particular demands.

The introduction of Leo Jupiter Rx provides an extra area of release to the transforming progressive energies being doled out from Aries, Capricorn and Pisces.

Yes, today’s Eye of God is shaping up to be one last good ol’ purge before Spring. A necessary celestial cleanse to ready us for the rigors of the coming warm-up into Summer.

Pluto and Chiron are working to root out and weaken the roadblocks standing in your way, while Uranus lends quick mental acumen to ridding you of their scourge for good. Jupiter simply wants to rule your Leo sector with pride and pizzazz and certainly won’t hinder any attempts at making this a reality.

As the lone planet currently opposing all others, Leo Jupiter Rx has had no time to rest for the last few weeks. Consequently, the house in your natal the dear King of Planets is traversing is being put through the ringer.

But, thankfully, with jolly Jupiter absorbing the hits it is usually a relatively pleasant experience.

Think on his childlike but mighty, warm-hearted joie de vivre while contemplating tomorrow’s New Moon intentions and you can’t go wrong.


october 10th—moon adventures through Taurus

moonqueenOn the 10th, the transiting Moon pulls some energy to your Taurean house throughout the day.

Early morning around 8 AM, she inconjuncts Pisces Chiron and Libra Venus to form a lovely Yod.  These three conjoining point to the ability to release emotional wounds through balancing and beautifying the area occupied by Taurus. Turning pain into artistic expression.

Next at about lunch time, Luna forms a second Yod with Sagittarius Mars and the Libra Sun.  This is a much more action orientated event. Drawing power from the Full Moon’s Kite formation, the Moon filters the fiery will to act of Mars/Sun to work, albeit emotionally, on the sector of your chart dealing with self-worth and esteem.

Lastly, the Taurus Moon opposes Scorpio Saturn late in the evening, applying the breaks to the day. Emotions will seem heavy and worrisome, though the silver lining is always impeccable form through Saturnian discipline and patience.

The yin/yang is well-balanced and splendid—passive beauty of the morning leads to assertive spirit in the afternoon.


fast and dirty—t-squares, boomerangs & kites, oh my!

In anticipation for the upcoming grand-Fire-trine/Kite formation this October, I want to post a fast and dirty about astrology’s ‘outs’.


Well, what I mean is, sometimes the planets line up in a manner that gets a little bit tricky, little bit stressful, little bit scary, yeah?

But the cosmos always provides a way OUT.  This is a post about these indispensable tools.

All three demonstrate the functional beauty of the opposition!

Remember, the ‘out’ is triggered by either a natal planet/point, a transiting planet or another person’s planet/point through synastry.

Shall we?

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on the brink—september 8th—the harvest supermoon

This month’s Full Moon is occurring along the Virgo/Pisces axis.  It is the third and final SuperMoon of 2014.  Native American’s call the Full Moon closest to the Fall Equinox, the Harvest Moon.  And the stars point to it being nothing short of a catharsis.

On Monday, September 8th the Virgo Sun will move into opposition with the Moon at 15° Pisces.  But not before Luna forms a Yod with Capricorn Pluto Rx  and Leo Jupiter.  And shortly after, the Full Moon dynamic will bring the healing powers of Chiron and the genius of Uranus into the fray.

To be quite honest, this is one of my personal favorite axes.  Not to mention with it being ‘super,’ there is so much potential written all over this event.  I am excited!

The Harvest Super Moon is gearing up to be an opportunity to utilize good ol’fashioned ingenuous humor to release long held emotional injuries.

Here’s the breakdown:

The Sun has been in Virgo for about 2 weeks.  We are well initiated in the Maiden’s modus operandi—hard work, details, critiquing the varnish off the walls—I kid.  During the New Moon in Virgo, we were asked to get real.  Now we get the opportunity to round out Virgo practicality with Piscean transcendence.  We are harvesting what we have sown.

Oppositions, especially of the Full Moon variety are a bridge between two polar archetypes.  This month we are given the chance to find balance among mutable energy—an Earth Sun and Water Moon, where the ocean meets the shore.  Where your toes are wet but your feet are still on the ground, just skirting the edge of the fluid depths. The Virgo/Pisces axis marks the ending and beginning of a journey. We are being asked to adapt and mutate if need be—to get our shit together in the physical plane (Virgo) as well as the spiritual plane (Pisces).

We are on the brink . . .

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the god of thieves teams up with a warrior, father time and a revolutionary: part 2

“Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world.” —Archimedes

On August 24th the Yod configuration between Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Uranus occurs.  You can read about the Yod, here; Part 1 of Mercury in Virgo 2014, here and the role Mars conjunct Saturn plays, here.

Lots of yummy stuff, so let’s get to it—

What happens when steamy Mars/Saturn goes into easy aspect with earthy Mercury?  When structured action combines with quicksilver intellect?

Now, where in your life do things need to be shook up?  Where could you use some revolution?  Where is a blind spot that could use some light?

This configuration could be an answer to most all of that.

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staring into the eye of god

On August 24th, 2014, Mercury/Mars/Saturn/Uranus will combine to form one of the most unique astrological aspects, the Yod, a.k.a. the Finger of God, the Eye of God, the Finger of Fate.

If you have planets or points at the 16th-17th degree of Aries or Libra, pay close attention!  Even if you don’t, the areas in your chart that are brought to the fore, especially Aries’ house, will be a place of action.

Here’s a fast and dirty crash course on what the heck is going on!

In a large celestial mixing bowl combine:

  • 3 planets
  • 2 inconjuncts
  • 1 sextile

Stir well.

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the god of thieves sprints through virgo: part 1

Mercury moves into Virgo on Friday, August 15th and will be there just over 2 weeks until  Monday, September 1st.

The Messenger of the Gods is comfortable in Virgo, a sign that he rules.

Mercury is strong here.

While in Leo, it was all passionate speaking and creative thinking, but now our minds get to switch gears.  Virgo Mercury is analytical and rational.  She processes and communicates with sagacious integrity and insists on only conveying accurate information.  She delves into the details and comes up with a fine-tuned ordered system.

For the next 2 weeks, words will come easier than at other times, since Virgo Mercury energy is one of the wordsmith.  If a crisis should arise, you may also notice that you have the ability to stay somewhat more level-headed, which is another trait of this mercurial Maiden.

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