october 15th – 19th—tipping the scales

For the remainder of this week, we will see a pile up of planets in the relationship sign of Libra.

Edward-Robert-Hughes-Painting-022The Sun, Venus, Mercury Rx and the North Node are all conjunct within 5 degrees for a number of days.  Together, they form sextiles with Leo Jupiter and Sagittarius Mars.

If you have personal planets or points from 19°-25° of the Cardinal signs, this has your name written all over it.

This is the will to socialize and spend quality time with friends and loved ones.  It is animated conversations and pleasant evening get-togethers.

Optimistic and fun.

Gregarious and lively.

Brilliant costumes and autumnal attire. Deep, rich color and crisp backyard fires.

Swirling dances in the fallen leaves. Laughing and music. Ripe apples and fat pumpkins.

Any early Halloween parties scheduled now aren’t as sinister as they portend to be by October’s end.  No, these are charming Fall soirees full of allure and elegance.



october 12th-14th—still smoldering

The Kite formation along the Libra/Aries Nodal Axis is still up in the heavens sans Aries Uranus and the Moon.

girlwithtreeman-029This subtraction takes the erratic emotional tinge off and allows the Libra Sun and Venus to be buoyed by the generous spirit of Mars and Jupiter.

When happy, there are none more gregarious than Leo and Sagittarius!

The precision of the Kite’s tip is aimed directly at the North Node at 19° Libra, bringing our past warring to the triumphant forward peace-time of Cardinal Air.

All the fiery initiative to balance and create the future lasts a short while longer. As Mars moves out of tight orb with the South Node on the 15th, the grand-Fire-trine slowly begins to dissipate.

Don’t panic though—all the intentions created and further fueled during last week’s Eclipse will manifest within the months to come.

This has simply been the planting.


october 10th—moon adventures through Taurus

moonqueenOn the 10th, the transiting Moon pulls some energy to your Taurean house throughout the day.

Early morning around 8 AM, she inconjuncts Pisces Chiron and Libra Venus to form a lovely Yod.  These three conjoining point to the ability to release emotional wounds through balancing and beautifying the area occupied by Taurus. Turning pain into artistic expression.

Next at about lunch time, Luna forms a second Yod with Sagittarius Mars and the Libra Sun.  This is a much more action orientated event. Drawing power from the Full Moon’s Kite formation, the Moon filters the fiery will to act of Mars/Sun to work, albeit emotionally, on the sector of your chart dealing with self-worth and esteem.

Lastly, the Taurus Moon opposes Scorpio Saturn late in the evening, applying the breaks to the day. Emotions will seem heavy and worrisome, though the silver lining is always impeccable form through Saturnian discipline and patience.

The yin/yang is well-balanced and splendid—passive beauty of the morning leads to assertive spirit in the afternoon.


october 8th—total lunar eclipse—bloody fire in the sky


Wednesday is this month’s Aries Full Moon.

And oh boy, is it a doozy.

For this post, I have compiled a rabbit hole of links to all things ECLIPSE—astronomy and astrology—as well as a couple points by me, tailored to this particular event.


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october 7th-12th—giving the fire some backbone

Arthur-Rackham-Illustration-042The Kite between the grand-Fire-trine, Sun/Venus/North Node and Uranus/South Node crystallizes on Tuesday, the 7th.  The Sun’s end of the opposition along the Nodal Axis is sextiling Mars in Sagittarius and Jupiter in Leo.  The Moon is in Aries and well on her way to move into position for the Eclipse on Wednesday—of which I will post seperately.

Kites allow us to access the treasure trove of contained energy in a grand-trine.  This particular event is bringing the immense power of a Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse into the frey.

The universe is giving us notice it is time to move forward.

So, in this post, I’m gonna break down the new ingredients that make up the Kite formation.

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october 6th-8th—part 2: who’s got a lighter?

So much going on up above, it’s kinda ridiculous.

Read part 1: here.

With all the talk of the grand-Fire-trine and the eclipse at the Full Moon, I think it needs to be stressed that the major player in all this business is the Libra Sun.  He will be the focal planet of the Kite formation, he will be on the North Node of the Nodal Axis.  He will be absorbing energy from Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Uranus.  He is ground zero.

Whichever house 15° Libra occupies is YOUR ground zero.


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october 4th—kindling for the bonfire: part 1

This Saturday, October 4th, the grand-Fire-trine perfects, meaning the orbs of  trining Mars, Jupiter and Uranus will be tightest of the whole event.

It is also the day a variety of choice planetary activities occur.

Mercury moved into the 8th sign of Scorpio back on the 27th of September. He has gotten almost through the 2nd degree of the Fixed Water sign, but has slowed and turns retrograde on this day.

Retrograde Mercury inspires anxiety in more than a few astrology buffs.  But not to worry.  He certainly can be managed.  And yes, it is good thinking to expect all manner of glitches in all things mechanical and/or technological, at this time.  It is also not a good time to START new projects necessarily, but instead spend time in reflection.—most importantly, with Scorpio and Libra themed issues.

Such as:

  • How do I communicate my desires and wishes in my most important relationships?   How can I make it better?
  • Do I communicate too intensely to create an intimate bond?  Could I sometimes take it down a notch?
  • Do I keep things too superficial?  Could I risk being more courageous?
  • Am I too geared toward people-pleasing?  Does it get in the way of an authentic exchange?
  • Am I too suspicious for no reason?  Am I too accomodating for no reason?
  • How can I learn to be confident in my ability to make decisions?

See where this is going?

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september 28th—lazy daisy sunday

About this time last month, the Virgo Sun had her day with the God of Illusions and on Sunday the 28th, the Libra Sun will have his.

Does this mean more beer?  Sure, it could, but that was mostly to steady the Maiden’s fried nerves from working overtime.

No, it will simply be a nice time to lay around and fantasize, wherever your heart takes you.  If you are lucky enough to have the weekend off, please take advantage of the ethereal mood and RELAX.

The tenor of the day will be dreamy relating, exactly what’s to be expected from a coupling of Libra and Pisces.  Snuggle up with someone you love (even if it’s your doggie) and binge watch your current TV obsession.  Or better yet, take a walk through the park or a drive in the country to partake all the Fall beauty.

Libra and Pisces make a delightful romantic duo, meanwhile the best way to negotiate the Sun with Neptune is to simply find somewhere comfy, lower your anchor and float.

And good god, you most certainly don’t have to be attached, EVERYONE should sit back and revel in the alluring world around . . .

read a good book . . .

feel the sunshine  . . .

bike around the lake . . .

smell the flowers . . .

take a bubble bath by candlelight . . .

get caught in the breeze . . .

have a glass of wine . . .

skip rocks across the river . . .

bake chocolate chip cookies  . . .

hypnotize yourself with a campfire . . .

play in the leaves . . .

drink a mug of hot cocoa . . .

skip down the street . . .



september 23rd & 24th—autumnal flux!

Ok.  Ready for this guys?

On September 22nd, at around 11:30 pm Central Standard Time, shortly after Pluto begins direct motion, the Sun moves from Virgo into Libra. This signals the change of the seasons.

Summer into Fall.

Alright, we get one full day of Autumn and then, on the night of the 24th at approximately 1:30 am CST, the New Moon occurs.

Wow!!  With all that’s mentioned above and Mars recently going into Sagittarius,  Wednesday morning is gonna feel so shiny and new.

Lots going on here.  So, let’s start at the center with the Sun—

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