and for the week—energy, imagination, passion and calm—june 8th – 11th

George-Barbier-LAir-868-35This week’s skies are dominated by the Gemini Sun/Mars conjunction sextiling Aries Uranus and Leo Jupiter, who themselves are in trine. At first the sextile to Jupiter is the strongest, but by week’s end, as the Moon comes to help, the interaction with Uranus takes command.

What it all means is we can look forward to a relatively productive week.

We will effortlessly have enough energy to get what needs done, done. It simply won’t cross our minds to procrastinate—we’ll be squarely in the ‘now’ of doing—Mars cazimi to the Sun and all! Jupiter adds confidence and good humor; Uranus lends genius and riotous know-how.

I’m not complaining.

On the emotional front, well, lovely Leo Venus and dapper Gemini Mercury Rx* sextile for most of the week. Our minds can easily tap into the beauty all around—this is a pleasant and calming boost to the whole shebang!

For her part, Luna is moving to Pisces as I type, shortly to square Saturn Rx in Sagittarius—perfect mentality to get the work week started. As she drifts through the Mutable waters Monday and Tuesday, intense imaginative solicitude will be collectively available.

Then by Wednesday, she has switched gears to the fiery passions of Aries, fueling the energies of the boys in Gemini. She interacts benevolently with most, save for a square to Capricorn Pluto Rx which may cause some minor power struggles. But by Thursday evening she is VOC, allowing us to rest up overnight to be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for Friday!

Yeah, still not complaining.


* I have noticed a glaring lack of hand-wringing about Mercury retrograde this go-round in Gemini. What’s goin’ on?

for the weekend—roadblocks and resources—may 15th – 17th

Today, Gemini Mars opposes Sagittarius Saturn Rx—the atmosphere will be intellectually nervous with obstacle after obstacle popping up to stand in our way.

None of our attempts at action will go according to plan—best rethink the master scheme a bit or simply wait for better days.

Good thing it’s Friday, huh?  (Unless, of course, if it’s not your Friday.)

While Mars and Saturn go at it, the waning Aries Moon gets bolstered from a sextile with flighty Mercury and a trine from enthusiastic Jupiter but later she is slammed with a square from intense Pluto and a conjunction to erratic Uranus.

The day will feel like a nip of gin—burns but somehow warms, upturns but somehow steadies, calms but somehow excites—ALL AT ONCE!!!

Tomorrow is much better, for Cancer Venus trines Pisces Neptune—a lovely Water balm to ease frustration!

Although we will still be contending with the thwarted effects of the day before, it won’t matter that much since the vibe will seem so smoothly EMOTIONALLY transcendent.

And Sunday sees Luna in Taurus trudging along her way to the New Moon shortly after midnight Monday.

She sextiles both Neptune and Chiron and squares Jupiter—bringing a healing/spiritual dynamic to the Lunation as well as, unfortunately, a feeling of enough is NEVER enough.

I will dig deeper into that in an upcoming post.



week ahead—going out to meet the tide—may 11th – 14th

Herbert-James-Draper-Flying-Fish-1910Alright, the God of the Sea will rule this week—attacking our days from a myriad of angles.

Deluded or sublime.

Fantastical or confused.

Stagnating or evasive.

Hell, prolly a combination of all the above.

So, today, with Mars at the anaretic 29th degree, our Taurus Sun sextiles Pisces Chiron. Though we have plenty of confidence, our get up and go is scattered and chaotic.

Later tonight, the God of War passes over into Gemini and we’ll find a new sense of vitality and enthusiasm.

Tomorrow, has the Moon solidly (ha!) in Pisces. Luna conjuncts Neptune and squares Gemini Mercury—deep emotions simply won’t jive with the outer rational world. We’ll feel foggy headed and desperately wish to retreat, delaying any heavy thinking.

But, by Wednesday, the Moon has saddled along side Chiron—tapping into his sextile with the Sun. An immense conviction of purpose will be available—we’ll readily learn from mistakes and forge ahead down a clear path.

Thursday, the lovely Moon will have moved to Aries. She proceeds to trine Sagittarius Saturn, square Cancer Venus, conjunct the South Node—on her way to meeting up with Jupiter and Uranus.

Shit, we will feel antsy, depressed, slighted and oh, so hot tempered about it all. Keep your head down to avoid the inherent pitfalls.

OR assimilate past triumphs and blunders, continuing along the course of conviction from the day before—Saturn will certainly help in this regard!!

Always TWO options, guys!!

Well, it’s a week to get lost and then find ourselves again—with both, the propensity for reward.



new optimism, new courage, new direction—aries new moon—april 18th

This afternoon the Aries Moon moves into conjunction with the Aries Sun at 28°.

the-valkyrie-largeWe get an opportunity to utilize the irrepressible pioneering spirit of the Ram with this Lunation.

Depending on the house this occurs in your chart, you are likely to want to strike out independently and with full force. Or maybe you’ve been holding back—a little too insecure about things you know need to push in a more exciting direction. Or maybe just a wee little tweak!

New Moons are about taking baby steps toward a different and hopefully improved situation.

Aries embodies the spirit of courage and risk. We’ve all got the Ram somewhere in our lives and the poor guy may never get the chance to shine—well, that changes, NOW.

Below’s a quick list of how it all might go down.

If 28° Aries is in your:

1st House—that daring dress for that thing you’ve got this weekend—yep, it’s time

2nd House—call your financial advisor (or finally get one!) and move forward on those scary investments

3rd House—finally tell that someone the god’s honest truth—good or bad, the time has come

4th House—quit hemming and hawing and bid on that cute house in that cute neighborhood

5th House—those fun sexy-time games you’ve been fantasizing about with your new boyfriend—yep!!

6th House—that brilliant idea you’ve been mulling over to streamline something at work—tell your boss!

7th House—should you stay or should you go?—courage, brave heart!

8th House—meet your current life crisis (you already know which one I’m talkin’ about) head-on—no hiding, no secrets—channel the Ram

9th House—book that flight to that once-in-a-lifetime, far-away place—fun!!

10th House—can you say”pioneering business entrepeneur”?

11th House—join your community softball league—in shape or not!

12th House—plan the first annual charity event for the social issue (quite possibly controversial) nearest to your heart

Alright. I think you guys get the idea?

Let fear be your guide. Yes, fear—no fear, no brave!

Where do you need to place your bets and never look back?


weekend augury—giving or getting?—april 17th – 19th


crane-walter-the-horses-of-neptune.-mythological-fine-art-print-poster.-sizes-a4-a3-a2-a1-00237-9904-pLate last night, Capricorn Pluto began retrograde motion at 15°, while today sees a fixed square between Taurus Mars and Leo Jupiter.

If things have been going to your liking as of late, all this is gonna solidify the will to keep on keepin’ on. But if you’ve been frustrated with your daily energy levels and general productivity, suffering one roadblock after another—this is gonna make you want to beat your head against the pavement.

The waning Moon is currently moving through the initial degrees of Cardinal Aries soon to conjunct Uranus and square Pluto—further intensifying the above.

If it’s good, it’s gonna be real good. Hell, yeah!!!   If it’s bad—I am truly sorry.

But hold tight—there’s hope!

Saturday, at around 3PM EST, Luna will meet up with Sol for the Aries New Moon at 28°. I’ll dig deeper into this in a later post.

Let’s just say, if you are in the kickin’ ass group, this Fire lunation will continue to fuel the way. But if you are on the ass kicked end—a blessed new beginning is certainly possible.

Regardless, on Sunday, as the Moon slips into her Taurus comfort zone, Gemini Venus squares, and Taurus Mercury sextiles, Pisces Neptune.

I always like to see the God of the Illusion engaged on a Sunday. No matter what your work schedule looks like, I find Sunday’s to be the one day EVERYONE can use a break and dear Neptune certainly can deliver.

There will be a lazy haze shrouding the day.

Like a cool breeze (Gemini) drifting (Mutable) across a tranquil lake (Pisces) intent on whispering (Mercury) sweet nothings (Neptune) lovingly (Venus) to the statuesque pines (Taurus) ashore.


the vanguard sets out—super new moon/vernal equinox/total solar eclipse—march 20th

warwickgobleWell, to say the Heavens have a lot going on tomorrow is an understatement.

Beautifully rare to have a super moon eclipse on the day of an equinox!

It all amounts to a potent time to set intentions—this time not just for a month but for the season and whole damn year!

Here’s a chronological list of all that happens:

  • ∼4AM – 8AM EST: a Total Solar Eclipse occurs that can been seen over parts of Europe, Africa, etc.
  • ∼5:30AM EST: the SuperMoon New Moon occurs at 29º Pisces
  • ∼2:00PM EST: the Aries Moon trines Sagittarius SaturnRx at 4º
  • ∼6:45PM EST: the Spring Equinox occurs as the Sun ingresses into Aries

During the length of the day, Taurus Venus approaches her inconjunct with SaturnRx and Pisces Mercury, his with Leo JupiterRx. Both of which perfect on Saturday.

And of course, the Uranus/Pluto square is still holding strong at 15º.

Alright. Let me parse the pieces of this special day—

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full moon prepatory cascade

From November the 2nd through the 5th, we have a series of events that will be setting up the Scorpio Full Moon on Thursday, the 6th.

First, Venus sextiles Pluto around midnight on the 2nd, giving a sexy vibe to the chilly autumn night.  The extra hour we obtain from Daylight Savings Time may come in uber handy for the weekend’s galavanting.

WB2_0022_She-was-the-Queen-of-them-allThen at dawn that morning, the Pisces Moon will conjunct Chiron and trine the Venus/Sun Scorpio conjunction.

Lots of Water.

The early A.M. will feel loaded with by-gone wounds. Obsessions and traumas may flare.

Or a transformation may come with the rising first light of day—locking the past firmly in the rear mirror.

Regardless, the Moon moves quick and she will be long gone from the scene by sunset.

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october 8th—total lunar eclipse—bloody fire in the sky


Wednesday is this month’s Aries Full Moon.

And oh boy, is it a doozy.

For this post, I have compiled a rabbit hole of links to all things ECLIPSE—astronomy and astrology—as well as a couple points by me, tailored to this particular event.


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