weekend augury—giving or getting?—april 17th – 19th


crane-walter-the-horses-of-neptune.-mythological-fine-art-print-poster.-sizes-a4-a3-a2-a1-00237-9904-pLate last night, Capricorn Pluto began retrograde motion at 15°, while today sees a fixed square between Taurus Mars and Leo Jupiter.

If things have been going to your liking as of late, all this is gonna solidify the will to keep on keepin’ on. But if you’ve been frustrated with your daily energy levels and general productivity, suffering one roadblock after another—this is gonna make you want to beat your head against the pavement.

The waning Moon is currently moving through the initial degrees of Cardinal Aries soon to conjunct Uranus and square Pluto—further intensifying the above.

If it’s good, it’s gonna be real good. Hell, yeah!!!   If it’s bad—I am truly sorry.

But hold tight—there’s hope!

Saturday, at around 3PM EST, Luna will meet up with Sol for the Aries New Moon at 28°. I’ll dig deeper into this in a later post.

Let’s just say, if you are in the kickin’ ass group, this Fire lunation will continue to fuel the way. But if you are on the ass kicked end—a blessed new beginning is certainly possible.

Regardless, on Sunday, as the Moon slips into her Taurus comfort zone, Gemini Venus squares, and Taurus Mercury sextiles, Pisces Neptune.

I always like to see the God of the Illusion engaged on a Sunday. No matter what your work schedule looks like, I find Sunday’s to be the one day EVERYONE can use a break and dear Neptune certainly can deliver.

There will be a lazy haze shrouding the day.

Like a cool breeze (Gemini) drifting (Mutable) across a tranquil lake (Pisces) intent on whispering (Mercury) sweet nothings (Neptune) lovingly (Venus) to the statuesque pines (Taurus) ashore.


easy does it, now—venus square jupiter rx—march 27th

If we aren’t super careful, this is one of those aspects that can bring out the worst in just about anyone.

Art-Nouveau-Painting-007Taurus Venus really likes to look good and Leo Jupiter is literally the celestial King of Drama—so we’re all gonna bend toward “self-absorbed, over-sensitive Diva” for Friday, into the weekend.

Our mood will rise and fall with how on fleek our image appears in the mirror. Our ego’s will inflate and conceit will be cheapest dish on the menu. Empty arrogance with nothing to back it up.

Over indulgence supreme—we’ll want to party HARD, drink too much, eat our weight in chocolate, throw epic tantrums, flirt too much, spend money that we may simply not have—and boy, will we feel ever entitled to it all!!!

Taurus and Leo are Fixed signs, so we’ll find it too easy to dig our heels in and refuse to budge from the absurdity. Stubborn with a belief you occupy the center of the universe—yuck!

Remember the highest knowledge of Taurus—what has ultimate value in life—gentleness, friendship, dignity. And the highest expression of Leo—we are each a special dear child of love and laughter.

Not some cocky twatrag without the sense the good Lord gave a tree stump.


race in the u.s.a.—final duel of uranus square pluto—march 16th – 29th

Since last summer, our nation has been overrun with one controversial story of race relations in the US after another—specifically how African Americans are treated by white Americans.


Eric Garner

Aura Rosser

Madison, WI

Sigma Alpha Epsilon chant

This is just a list off the top of my head. It can go on and on. Terrible and terrifying things.

In my life, I’ve never known a time when ‘race’ wasn’t a volatile subject. But it is obvious to me that in the recent months the conversation has exploded with incidents (or are we just simply listening, now?) and outrage about the brutality and injustice of being black in America.

Out of the shadows, there have been some positives to come from this litany of disgusting abuse—namely, we marked a huge milestone with the 50th anniversary of the Freedom March on March 9th.

And that, dear readers, leads me to the point of my post.

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accepting the challenge—mars with jupiter/uranus/pluto—march 9th – 11th

Edward-Robert-Hughes-Painting-018Late last night, Aries Mars trined Leo Jupiter Rx and then, in the wee hours of the morning, he conjuncted Uranus. Tomorrow, the God of War will square Capricorn Pluto.

Venus recently made her way through each of these very aspects leading into last week’s Full Moon and now its her valiant paramour’s turn to do the same.

Very similar vibe but also very different.

For one thing, our physical energy for the next few days will be off the charts! Unless afflicted by something in the natal chart, it will simply seem as if our vigor knows no bounds.  Collectively, we simply want to get out and meet life head on—play as if our souls depended on it!!

Alright, we are actually in the thick of this RIGHT NOW, so on to the particulars.

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smokin’ hot—venus with uranus, jupiter and pluto—march 4th

Art-Nouveau-Painting-022Can you feel the amped up energies of late?

And well, today, Venus conjuncts Aries Uranus, trines Leo Jupiter Rx and squares Capricorn Pluto.


This is the sizzling build up for tomorrow’s Full Moon and it’s gonna have us consumed with hot, torrid looovvvveeee for the next couple days!

Love and art; love and money; love and values—the lack or abundance of it, the gutt wrenching possibilities of it, the desirous annihilation of it.

A conjunction, a trine and a square—

To start, Aphrodite under Uranian influence is eye-catching. This is where form meets weird—and we are transfixed. We will be on high alert to those subtle and sometimes not so, ques that magnetize us to others and them to us in return. The more erratic the sentiment, the more it titilates—enough friction to burn.

Venus receiving a trine from Leo Jupiter is a gift. Joy and social charm are exaggerated to a magnificent degree—too much of a good thing in this case is definitely wonderful. We are experiencing the pull of mind-blowing seduction and with the aid of a Fire Jupiter, can express its grandeur fully.

Lastly, Pluto is involved in tense aspect, therefore this gripping attraction may prove to actually be a sleazy revulsion. Or, possibly worse, a foolish obsession.

The God of the Underworld loves hard and craves satisfaction to the core. Things turn on a dime before the inhaled breath is released. The clutches of Pluto could leave the Goddess of Love singed. Or could deepen the allure.

I, for one, am loving these Aries transits.


venus & mars trine father time—feb 24th

la-belle-dame-sans-merciYesterday was melancholy.

Today should be better.

A lot better.

Our spirited duo, Aries Mars and Venus are trining Sagittarius Saturn, and well, trines just feel better.

Today’s 120º trine angle brings together two planets of same element and therefore have none of the up-your-ass annoyance that characterize yesterday’s 90º square.

Element vs. Modality, of sorts.

Even old sour puss Saturn mellows when under a trine’s influence.

Fire signs, such as today’s players—Aries and Sadge, promise passion and speed, while Mars and Venus are two of the solar system’s consummate worker bees—a trine doubles your pleasure.

Father Time interacting with this pair adds stability and proper form. Everything that seemed impossible on Monday, will now feel effortless on Tuesday.

Whatever chinks in the armor Sun/Saturn illuminated under the square, can now be resolved with gutsy promptness under the trine. Use the former to get to the latter—one into the other.

Those of us with planets and points at the beginning degrees of the Fire signs feel the goodness most acutely.

And finally, remember, Venus and Mars together is almost always super sexy. We can all bask in that glow as we continue through our week.




trial by fire—sun square saturn—feb 23rd

The celestial forecast for the beginning of the week is one of low motivation and roadblocks.

serenityWe had a refreshing blast of energy over the weekend with the simultaneous Venus/Mars ingress into Cardinal Aries. But alas, today, stodgy Saturn will hit the brakes, as he and the Pisces Sun square at 4º.

Those of us with planets or points at the first degrees of Virgo and Gemini—actually all the Mutable signs, pay attention. The Sun is shining a potentially harsh light on an ongoing Saturnine transit—rarely are these without vulnerability.

More broadly, our initial reactions this Monday may skew to the negative and fighting the urge to be our own worst critic will be at the fore. Many will unfortunately capitulate to the more depressive pullings of an event such as this.

Though naturally we can choose to see the benefit of a day like today.

Requiring our watery Piscean fantasies submit to a trail by Sagittarian Fire could prove the appropriate final vetting to get our dreams off the ground once and for all.


only the beginning—chiron inconjunct jupiter rx—feb 15th – 26th

Yesterday, Leo Jupiter Rx quincunxed Pisces Chiron at 16º.Florence-Mary-Anderson-Illustration-027

Big time healing.

Crippling drama.

Exaggerated confusion.

Magnanimous forgiving.

Unbearable pride.

Triumphant catharsis.

Exuberant resolve.

You’ll be experiencing all of the above to varying degrees in the area of your chart this goes down.

But that isn’t the half of it!!

Oh, no.

This is the first piece of a puzzle that brings together Chiron, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and a myriad of worker bees, all culminating with Pluto and Uranus exacting their square on March 16th!!

Just the first piece . . .

More on the rest as it arises.


tons of celestial stuff—jan 30th


How’s Merc Retch treating everyone?

More than one person on my FB has lamented about broken computers and broken cars.

Ah, well, hopefully they have seen the last of the high jinks and no one else falls prey to Retrograde tricks.

Friday is a BUSY day and is a main precursor to next Tuesday’s Leo Full Moon.

So, let’s see what’s what.

Today will be packed with culminating energies, including the aforementioned Winged Messenger himself. He and the Aquarius Sun will conjunct at 10º. They have not been intertwined since October, when they joined in the Cardinal Air sign, Libra.

The difference this go round, in Aquarius, is the agenda will be one of running that mouth with little filter (something Libra provided the last time).

Yep, with the ego (Sun) coupled with the mind (Mercury) in an Fixed AIR sign (get it?) there is a tendency to have strong opinions and not be shy tellin’ everybody about it.

If this is a trait you lack on a general level—you get to be a motor mouth for the weekend!! If not, you’ll probably need to do many in your circle the favor of STFU and listen instead—that is your challenge.  Hopefully, Mercury Rx will help with the latter.

Next up, lovely Pisces Venus is squaring Sagittarius Saturn at the 3º.

This will most likely cause us to be extra self-conscious of how we look, physically, even down to the ear rings we choose for the evening. Our interactions will prove super awkward and clumsy and leave us feeling heavily unworthy.

Mind you, these are emotions not necessarily based in reality.

The saving grace here is, if we are able to recognize the above tendencies, we can about-face and use Piscean compassion and Sagittarian truth to give ourselves a break.

Relax and refuse to be so hard on yourself!

(Another route this may take is in our intimate relationships. If a lack of love is poisoning the coupling, Venus/Saturn will scream it’s presence. Maybe it is a time to speak up OR shut-up and listen! Keep reading to see how Mars/Pluto/Chiron can help.)

Lastly, Pisces Mars tangos with 14º Pluto and 15º Chiron in a sextile and conjunction, respectively.

The God of War in easy aspect with the God of the Underworld portends to immense determination and stamina.

All those loose ends you are trying to get sorted under this month’s Mercury Retrograde are gonna get the added drive of Mars/Pluto this weekend!


Then tomorrow, dear Mars moves into exact conjunction with the Maverick. This brings deep healing to actions and initiatives. Purging the old and unhealthy to make room for the fresh and revitalized.

For example, I started cleaning out my herbal tincture closet, yesterday. (I say ‘closet’, it is actually the crawl space under the stairwell in the old farmhouse—hello, Pluto!) I haven’t had the time or energy to attempt this for the SIX YEARS they have been waiting. Now is the time!!

Alright folks, this is what we’ve got to work with—have at it!

Remember, we have been feeling these energies all week, they are simply at their strongest today.

Hold tight, it all fades quickly.


mercury rx sextile uranus/south node—jan 27th

On his way backward through Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde is meeting up with Aries Uranus conjunct the South Node, Tuesday, the 27th, Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-055when the three sextile at the 13º.

The last time this occurred was two weeks ago on the 13th, though that time Hermes was conjunct Venus.

This time, the Messenger God flies solo.

Mercury and Uranus together in Air and Fire, respectively, speak to inspired genius. Expect brilliance to flow effortlessly.

The addition of the Uranus + South Node requires a radical roll call of what should be brought with us into our future and, more importantly, what should be left triumphantly in our past.

Mercury gets squared my the Taurus Moon Tuesday, as well. Take all the above and add a little extra dose of worry and emotional restlessness to the mix.

One down side to the whole mash-up is the Uranian tendency to forget to look before he leaps, but the intrinsic introspective logic of Retrograde Aquarius Mercury will likely put the brakes on anything too outrageous.

Use this energy to finish up any creative endeavors, for your inventive mind will know few boundaries with the help of Fiery Uranus, while the steady waters of the Taurus Moon will insure depth of expressive Mercurial power.
