and for the weekend—moving to the cerebral—april 10th – 12th

edward-burne-jones-4-the-golden-stairsWell, today, Mercury exacts his conjunction with the Aries Sun at 20° and then skadaddles right on past.

This lends a purity to the overall vibe of the weekend.  Our minds and conscious will are one and the same. No conflict, no divergent agendas—just straight up Aries!!!

Couple the above Cardinal Fire with the Moon traveling almost extensively through Cardinal Earth Capricorn for the next 3 days and just cold hard decisive action will characterize the atmosphere.

Saturday, lovely Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini. This marks a shift from lazy luxury to a desire for mental stimulation. Our Earthy senses relinquish control and the Airy workings of the intellect take over.

Fire Mercury and Air Venus—great for conversation and social mingling!

Then, Taurus Mars and Pisces Neptune sextile on Sunday for a pleasant boost to all the work the Warrior has been steady at the last week and a half. Water aids Earth with insights into imagination and emotional know-how. Duty won’t feel so heavy, as Neptune’s fog dissolves a bit of the burden for the day.

By and large, the weekend is one of the mind with a thrust toward getting tangible results.


feeding your devotion—venus sextile chiron—april 1st

So, today Taurus Venus sextiles Pisces Chiron at 18º.

Fixed Earth and Mutable Water—practical emotion; sensual nuturance.

George-Barbier-LAveu-Difficile-1123-33When the Goddess of Love and the Maverick meet it suggests an opportunity to solidify relationship bonds through integrity and acceptance. Mastering the ability to relate to another as a perfectly imperfect individual is heightened.

Listen, see, feel—drink in the restorative waters of respect and acknowledgement. Joyously serve them to your beloved, sharing the rich rewards of hearty kindness.

The chance to overcome inflicted wounds is available. A simple affectionate touch could mend a festered slight and build fidelity, for Taurus Venus utililizes all her senses.

Feed a relationship with warmth, faith and compassion. A relationship with a lover, a friend, a child, a co-worker—yourself!


agile self-regard—mercury into aries—march 30 – april 14

Orlando-Pursuing-the-Fata-Morgana-by-George-Frederick-WattsSo, yesterday, dear Mercury moved from Mutable Water, Pisces, to Cardinal Fire, Aries.

I (<—-!!) can already notice the change!

Our minds are aligning with the force of the Aries Sun and our communication style will certainly demonstrate it.

Where for the last five or six months we have gotten accustomed to the “we/us/our” pronouns, there will be a significant shift to “I/me/mine” pronouns, AND FAST! It is all about you. We’ll worry about “we” in a week or two.

Me, me, ME!!!

Hermes is starting fresh, yet again, around the wheel—we are learning about ourselves, anew—impatient, self-centered and shiny! Rash and hungry for life.

We want to create and push forward—burst, screaming, from the confines of winter ice into spring warmth.

Get out and do and be and live!!!

We will be prone now to making impulsive decisions—ANY decision is a good decision—ambiguous is a torturous level of purgatory.

We will speak and act before thinking—this may indicate passion but equally as likely, reckless insensitivity.  Many toes will be trodded over, as sentences get shorter. . .

And shorter . . .

Into pointed self-absorption, stabbing blind.

(Seriously, try not to be a dick!)

This all lasts barely two weeks—it has almost burned for a full day as of now—use the Fire while you can.

For now is when all the ideas flash and flare, bright (especially as Mercury moves to conjunct Uranus on the 8th). Grasp them quickly!

Nevermind the worries of tomorrow—plans will be solidified when Mercury ingresses to the second sign. Now is the time to plunder the world for what YOU WANT!!!

Gather your intellectual treasures NOW!

Inventory and apologies later.

Dammit, hurry up!


the vanguard sets out—super new moon/vernal equinox/total solar eclipse—march 20th

warwickgobleWell, to say the Heavens have a lot going on tomorrow is an understatement.

Beautifully rare to have a super moon eclipse on the day of an equinox!

It all amounts to a potent time to set intentions—this time not just for a month but for the season and whole damn year!

Here’s a chronological list of all that happens:

  • ∼4AM – 8AM EST: a Total Solar Eclipse occurs that can been seen over parts of Europe, Africa, etc.
  • ∼5:30AM EST: the SuperMoon New Moon occurs at 29º Pisces
  • ∼2:00PM EST: the Aries Moon trines Sagittarius SaturnRx at 4º
  • ∼6:45PM EST: the Spring Equinox occurs as the Sun ingresses into Aries

During the length of the day, Taurus Venus approaches her inconjunct with SaturnRx and Pisces Mercury, his with Leo JupiterRx. Both of which perfect on Saturday.

And of course, the Uranus/Pluto square is still holding strong at 15º.

Alright. Let me parse the pieces of this special day—

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jumping off the deep end—mecury in pisces—march 12th – 30th

The Planet of Communication and Messages left the eleventh sign yesterday and has headed into Pisces.  In a sense, our minds are catching up to the Sun, who is currently there now, and Venus & Mars, who have recently Warwick-Goble-Vintage-Illustration-007traversed the last sign of the zodiac, themselves.

Pisces Mercury is a softy. And, for about a week, he and the Sun’s presence together in the Mutable Water sign will create a pleasant balance to all the Fire raging in the Heavens.

For the masses, this ingress signals a shift from a rational Aquarian mentality to the imaginative whimsical waves of Pisces.

We will find ourselves to be a little extra imaginative, a sight more intuitive and a tad bit more sensitive to our surroundings. Our thoughts and words will mirror this.

Generally, it will be easier to express emotion but if slighted, we will be drawn to escape inward to a fantastical day-dream that provides the necessary security such a fragile disposition requires.

For the most part, our inner worlds will fill with rainbows and unicorns for the next 3 weeks—some of us will feel right at home among such reverie, while others will scoff, kicking and screaming the entire way.

I don’t know about you, but it may feel extra nice to get a little lost.




a day that can’t be pinned down—sun conjunct neptune—feb 26th

It will probably come as no shock to many of you that last night at midnight, the Sun and Neptune exacted theireb26c-1 conjunction at 7º16′ Pisces.

To accompany the watery mist of this conjunction, the Moon is squaring the pair from Gemini, today. Also, a sign not known for it’s stable nature.

Having Venus, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, the South Node and Saturn all in Fire signs, generates a consuming steam wafting from the murky Piscean depths. Those who can naturally navigate these waters with spry agility have access to creative talents which will abound with imaginative Neptunian fervor.

And luckily, the Jupiter Rx/Pluto/Chiron yod has reformed, lending a needed Leonine focal point for those of us who require a palpable material expression.

The last week has felt unsolid and unhinged to me. There’s simply a sense that the bottom will fall out of our entire existence, either from decayed rot or fundamental illusion. Maybe both.

This is precisely how a Neptune transit usually feels. The best course of action is to surrender and drift.

Just float along.

Yesterday and today, the conjunction is at its most vital. Remember, the fade will fade, I promise.


trial by fire—sun square saturn—feb 23rd

The celestial forecast for the beginning of the week is one of low motivation and roadblocks.

serenityWe had a refreshing blast of energy over the weekend with the simultaneous Venus/Mars ingress into Cardinal Aries. But alas, today, stodgy Saturn will hit the brakes, as he and the Pisces Sun square at 4º.

Those of us with planets or points at the first degrees of Virgo and Gemini—actually all the Mutable signs, pay attention. The Sun is shining a potentially harsh light on an ongoing Saturnine transit—rarely are these without vulnerability.

More broadly, our initial reactions this Monday may skew to the negative and fighting the urge to be our own worst critic will be at the fore. Many will unfortunately capitulate to the more depressive pullings of an event such as this.

Though naturally we can choose to see the benefit of a day like today.

Requiring our watery Piscean fantasies submit to a trail by Sagittarian Fire could prove the appropriate final vetting to get our dreams off the ground once and for all.


the strength of weakness—feb. 7th & 8th

Today, exquisite Pisces Venus sextiles the God of the Underworld and tomorrow she conjuncts the Maverick.

Florence-Mary-Anderson-Illustration-017This is reminiscent of last weekend’s Martian events setting up a perfect opportunity for me to parse some of the different effects transits between the God of War and the Goddess of Love have on one’s chart.

Alright, so . . .

Very simply, Venus just is and Mars just does. Venus attracts to her, while Mars goes out and gets.

This weekend Aphrodite is meeting up with the same characters Ares entertained a week ago. We get to experience how she works her magic opposed to how he got his business done.

Venus rules relationships; Pluto, intensity; Chiron, our weak spots.

These three create an atmosphere where passions are high and tender, loving care is paramount.

Where before we were acting (Mars) with determination (Pluto) to rework neglected areas of our physical world (Chiron), now the focus is turned to our relationships (Venus)—our emotional world.

The ability to determine intrinsic worth, of the material OR immaterial, will become effortless (Capricorn Pluto). The estimation of our own value and values within relationship will become crystal clear.

What is normally seen as a liability could actually be what keeps the fires burning (Chiron). What is perceived as resilient and sturdy, could very well be the undoing.

A solid commitment could be forged or a painful reckoning, rendered—only our hearts will know.

If we allow ourselves the vulnerability, Pluto and Chiron will make swift work of these tasks.

Through to the other side is beautiful Piscean intimacy and understanding, built on a foundation of acceptance and kindness.


feb 4th—knighthood for the fishes

Today, Pisces Mars inconjuncts dear Leo Jupiter Rx at 18º.Various-Vintage-Illustrations-040

This is the third and final meeting in their I/O/Q cycle for Jupiter’s 2014/2015 stint in Leo.

The first round came back in November when Leo granted some R&R to our hardworking Capricorn sectors. Then, on New Year’s Eve, the party was taken to new heights when the two fire planets met for their opposition, reminiscent of last night’s Leo Full Moon.

Well, this time it is the Fishes who get to benefit of the Lion’s talents. We need to ask ourselves what could Pisces use a little more of that fiery Leo has in spades?

I bet many of you already know, huh?


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tons of celestial stuff—jan 30th


How’s Merc Retch treating everyone?

More than one person on my FB has lamented about broken computers and broken cars.

Ah, well, hopefully they have seen the last of the high jinks and no one else falls prey to Retrograde tricks.

Friday is a BUSY day and is a main precursor to next Tuesday’s Leo Full Moon.

So, let’s see what’s what.

Today will be packed with culminating energies, including the aforementioned Winged Messenger himself. He and the Aquarius Sun will conjunct at 10º. They have not been intertwined since October, when they joined in the Cardinal Air sign, Libra.

The difference this go round, in Aquarius, is the agenda will be one of running that mouth with little filter (something Libra provided the last time).

Yep, with the ego (Sun) coupled with the mind (Mercury) in an Fixed AIR sign (get it?) there is a tendency to have strong opinions and not be shy tellin’ everybody about it.

If this is a trait you lack on a general level—you get to be a motor mouth for the weekend!! If not, you’ll probably need to do many in your circle the favor of STFU and listen instead—that is your challenge.  Hopefully, Mercury Rx will help with the latter.

Next up, lovely Pisces Venus is squaring Sagittarius Saturn at the 3º.

This will most likely cause us to be extra self-conscious of how we look, physically, even down to the ear rings we choose for the evening. Our interactions will prove super awkward and clumsy and leave us feeling heavily unworthy.

Mind you, these are emotions not necessarily based in reality.

The saving grace here is, if we are able to recognize the above tendencies, we can about-face and use Piscean compassion and Sagittarian truth to give ourselves a break.

Relax and refuse to be so hard on yourself!

(Another route this may take is in our intimate relationships. If a lack of love is poisoning the coupling, Venus/Saturn will scream it’s presence. Maybe it is a time to speak up OR shut-up and listen! Keep reading to see how Mars/Pluto/Chiron can help.)

Lastly, Pisces Mars tangos with 14º Pluto and 15º Chiron in a sextile and conjunction, respectively.

The God of War in easy aspect with the God of the Underworld portends to immense determination and stamina.

All those loose ends you are trying to get sorted under this month’s Mercury Retrograde are gonna get the added drive of Mars/Pluto this weekend!


Then tomorrow, dear Mars moves into exact conjunction with the Maverick. This brings deep healing to actions and initiatives. Purging the old and unhealthy to make room for the fresh and revitalized.

For example, I started cleaning out my herbal tincture closet, yesterday. (I say ‘closet’, it is actually the crawl space under the stairwell in the old farmhouse—hello, Pluto!) I haven’t had the time or energy to attempt this for the SIX YEARS they have been waiting. Now is the time!!

Alright folks, this is what we’ve got to work with—have at it!

Remember, we have been feeling these energies all week, they are simply at their strongest today.

Hold tight, it all fades quickly.
