on deck for the weekend—another fiercely lazy one—may 29th – 31st

Edward-Robert-Hughes-Painting-022All weekend, the Gemini Sun conjunct Mercury Rx will square Pisces Neptune, while sextiling/trining the Nodal Axis in Libra/Aries.

We aren’t gonna want to do anything—except drink and socialize with friends—if it’s not too much bother, of course.

And with all this Mutable energy splattered over the place, things may get a little sloppy.


Today, the waxing Moon gets zapped from all sides (opposes Uranus, squares Pluto and Venus, sextiles Jupiter), so there is plenty to talk about. Luna is still in Libra—so, we definitely want to interact with others and shoot the shit as the energy builds for next week’s Full Moon.

But tomorrow, she moves into Scorpio and the intensity amps up. We will want to hang with only the chosen few in our circles. Nice and intimate, like.

Sunday, again Luna dances with many—Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto and Chiron.  Lots of Water to keep the emotions running high, with a dash of Fire to steam up the embers of the eighth sign.

This one may have us party hard at first, but see us retreating into our own safety zone’s by weekend’s end.


me or we?—libra’s total lunar eclipse—april 4th

In less than 12 hours we have the Libra/Aries Full Moon at 14º.

the-platonic-lament-1894-Not only is it a Full Moon but, in answer to the Equinox/New Moon two weeks ago, also the day of an Eclipse—a Total Lunar this time ’round—rare and bloody.

And on an even larger scale, tomorrow’s lunation speaks to events we were managing this time last Spring and Fall—full circle and/or full steam ahead.

There are many factors in play with this one, most notably: Sun conjunct Uranus, Mercury conjunct South Node, Jupiter trine Sun and last but not least, Sun & Moon square Pluto—t-square!

If you are the possessor of planets or points between 10º-17º of the Cardinal signs (and the Fire or Fixed signs, too) then this could potentially be a big event for you, with 14º-15º Cancer a dumping ground for a majority of the energies here—yikes, if you are the lucky one!

For the collective—lots of Fire, tons of Cardinal. Passion and initiative.

Those intentions set during the middle of March are coming to a head or gaining momentum depending on the necessary timeframe.

This Full Moon is on the Aries/Libra axis and is an Eclipse, therefore the Moon’s Nodes are conjunct the event (nodes = our past that greatly affects our future). So, it is very much a dynamic of “space or intimacy”—“mine or yours”—“me or we”—“individuality or co-operation”—or better yet, a lovely balance somewhere in between!

Yes, the past weighs heavily, but Pluto is engaged to force an evolution. Hard, painful, gut wrenching teardown then an Uranian-fueled forward thrust—if one is needed. Maybe it works out the attachment is rock solid and tomorrow’s Eclipse merely fans the fires of pleasure.

Well either way, by Summer’s end, we’ll get to partake these delights for a fourth parlay.

As always, look to the houses brought to the fore for precisely how this manifests personally for you.

Happy Blood Moon, everyone!


and for the weekend—march 7th & 8th

Various-Vintage-Illustrations-044I hope everyone enjoyed Thursday’s Full Moon.

Today, the Waning Moon saddles up along side the North Node in Libra.

The uber social Air sign loves a buddy—great for party and bar hopping tonight.

We will intrinsically be able to feel out the current mood of any atmosphere or person we encounter—you’ll know just what you’re walking into.

Sunday, the Pisces Sun exacts his conjunction with Chiron.

The Will and the Wound become One.

Collectively, we get the opportunity to come face to face with the perfect imperfection of being human. All our cruelties and faults; transgressions and shortcomings; oversensitivities and bad judgement calls swirl away into the beautiful waters of the universal Piscean sea.

It amounts to the total soul level acceptance of ourselves and the triumphant ruin that is humanity, simply as we are—if only for a day.


of service and surrender—virgo/pisces full moon—march 5th

Today is the Virgo/Pisces Full Moon at 14º. Saule-Ct168-1024x847

I spoke about Mercury’s role in this event a couple of days ago and yesterday’s post related some of what Venus is up to today.

So, along with the Full Moon proper, I will concentrate on the following pieces to this intricate Lunation:

  • Mars conjuncts the South Node in Aries
  • Venus/Uranus quincunxes the Virgo Moon
  • Luna trines Cappy Pluto and opposes Pisces Chiron
  • Sun conjuncts (albeit widely) Chiron (adding himself to the reformed Jupiter Rx/Pluto/Chiron Yod)


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holy fire balls—march 1st

Alright, four main astrological things go on today.Mikalojus_Konstantinas_Ciurlionis_-_FRIENDSHIP_-_1906_-_7

  • Aries Venus conjuncts the South Node
  • Aquarius Mercury opposes Leo Jupiter Rx
  • Mercury sextiles Aries Uranus
  • Jupiter Rx trines Uranus

Tons of Fire with Mercury fanning the flames from an Air sign.

Shall we?

Combining these events, three clear celestial theatres of the day emerge.

#1  Venus will go to work on your past—namely letting go of dead weight. Finally putting to rest any relationships and/or financial habits that are more roadblock than sure shot will be high on the agenda.

It will be fast, Aries style, along the lines of “What the hell have I been doin’ all these years?!?!?!?”

#2  Mercury will go to work on your future. He and Jupiter finally get to exact their opposition at 14º. They were denied this act back when Mercury went retrograde literally hours before culmination and now it will be realized.

Here the logic of Aquarius waltzes with the faith of Leo. Back and forth, back and forth. Add to this dynamic the out-of-this-world operations of Uranus and it makes for a heady couple days of uncanny mental insight.

#3  As for Jupiter trining Uranus, we are implored to contemplate how religion, education and politics can be used to make the world a better place . . . or not?

Their trine lasts longer than the short-lived trysts of Venus and Mercury, sticking around through Thursday’s Full Moon, on into the second week of March. I will have plenty more to say about this duo in later posts.

Lastly, please keep in mind, there is a myriad of planets in Fire in the Heavens. Things happen quick and sometimes it will burn.

Choose to see it as a cauterization rather than a inferno and the times to come will be warm and inviting.


mercury rx sextile uranus/south node—jan 27th

On his way backward through Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde is meeting up with Aries Uranus conjunct the South Node, Tuesday, the 27th, Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-055when the three sextile at the 13º.

The last time this occurred was two weeks ago on the 13th, though that time Hermes was conjunct Venus.

This time, the Messenger God flies solo.

Mercury and Uranus together in Air and Fire, respectively, speak to inspired genius. Expect brilliance to flow effortlessly.

The addition of the Uranus + South Node requires a radical roll call of what should be brought with us into our future and, more importantly, what should be left triumphantly in our past.

Mercury gets squared my the Taurus Moon Tuesday, as well. Take all the above and add a little extra dose of worry and emotional restlessness to the mix.

One down side to the whole mash-up is the Uranian tendency to forget to look before he leaps, but the intrinsic introspective logic of Retrograde Aquarius Mercury will likely put the brakes on anything too outrageous.

Use this energy to finish up any creative endeavors, for your inventive mind will know few boundaries with the help of Fiery Uranus, while the steady waters of the Taurus Moon will insure depth of expressive Mercurial power.


jan 13th – 15th—worker bees a buzzin’

This week sees an abundance of activity among three of the worker bees—Mercury, Venus and Mars (the Sun and Moon take center stage at next week’s lunation, of course).

Lots to talk about.

First, the good news—

Vintage-Plants-and-Flowers-Clipart-006Yesterday, Venus and Mercury came into exact conjunction at 11º Aquarius.

They remain conjunct today while forming a sextile with Aries Uranus. Tomorrow, the 14th, the pair will semi-sextile Capricorn Pluto and Pisces Chiron while trining the Libran North Node.

When the Messenger God and Aphrodite conjoin, the atmosphere is active and pleasant.  Our mind is working well with our social graces and when in Aquarius—humanitarian idealism meets quirky charm.

Add to this dynamic easy aspects from Uranus (who is the ruler of Aquarius), Pluto, Chiron and the Nodal Axis and well, our collective drive to cajole the best out of humanity is accentuated exponentially.

This duo have the moxie to get it done.

And, boy, are you gonna need it since Piscean Mars exactly squares Saturn in Sagittarius on Thursday.

Folks, this is a tricky one. Here an almost saintly amount of patience and perseverance is required. Though, positively, I feel the overall effect is softened since Pisces and Sadge are Mutable, thus making it easier to adapt.

Regardless, expect general frustration at every turn—trudging through molasses. A lot of B.S. may get piled on your plate all at once. Just don’t let it rile you—that’s the test.

As with most things Saturnine, if you know EXACTLY what you want and are willing to follow the rules PRESICELY in getting it, you’ll be fine.

Otherwise, keep your head down and don’t stop working, because after the square exacts the influence fades rather quickly.

So, there you have it, some of the gifts as well as some of the challenges fueling this week’s heavens.

Yep, remember all the Venusian charm and Mercurial quick wit at your disposal and use it!


full moon by midnight—jan 5th

Our first Full Moon of the new year occurs early Monday at almost precisely midnight EST.

4.2.7The preceding Sunday is packed with astrological vitality, making this Moon super-duper—so, let’s get started.

Venus and Mercury have both recently moved into Aquarius. They are now sextiling Saturn, new to Sagittarius. This adds plain good judgement and success to any plans made now—especially artistic or career-wise.

Saturday saw the Sun join Pluto at the 13º of Capricorn. They will remain intertwined for the duration of the Full Moon, while sextiling Pisces Chiron.

The Maverick adds fuel to the already volatile healing capabilities of Sol and the Lord of the Underworld, BUT with the gentleness and compassion only a Piscean planet (or asteroid) can provide.

As she moves into Cancer, Luna, herself, dances with Chiron in a free flowing trine. Water meets water to dissolve old scars and give fresh perspective.

Yes, Sunday night’s event could be a major point of catharsis for us, depending on the intentions set at the New Moon as well as individual house position—look to 12 to 14 degrees of the Cardinal signs.

As you know, the Full Moon occurs along the Capricorn/Cancer axis. Earth and Water. The Father and the Mother of the zodiac.

Themes of nurturing and protection will surface. Quite possibly old ghosts from childhood could arise—don’t forget Pluto is in the frey.

How do we provide for our inner child?

How do we protect those—people, ideas, projects—we have committed to nurture?

How are we building structures that nourish and shelter the children—metaphorical and otherwise—we have birthed and are seeing to maturation?

Do these structures allow for growth in all areas—physical, mental, spiritual, emotional? Or are they outdated, in need of overhaul?

As the natural rulers of the 4th and 10th Houses respectively, Cancer and Capricorn bring along fundamental questions of our place and security in the world. Issues of do or die.

Alright, and now to get to the meatiest part of this opposition.

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2014 christmas week review

Well, I sincerely hope everyone had a magnificent Holiday.

Vintage-Old-Book-Illustration-016The weather here in the panhandle coupled with the festivities prevented me from posting, so now I’m just gonna give a brief recap of the energies of last week.

Needless to say, the big story is Saturn’s ingress from Scorpio to Sagittarius on the 23rd.


I will post separately about that later today.

But Saturn was, of course, not the only happenings in the Heavens.

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october 27th—waves crashing

Monday of next week is going to be an emotional one, folks.

Arthur-Rackham-Illustration-016Scorpio Sun conjunct Venus will trine Pisces Neptune and the watery abyss engulfs us in a glamorous mantle.

All the while, the transiting Sagittarius Moon revives the grand-Fire-trine with Leo Jupiter to form a Kite formation along the Libra/Aries Nodal Axis.

Remember, with the Nodal Axis as a player, collective lessons to bolster our future souls are at the forefront.

Fire and Water are the zodiac’s emoters and considering newly ingressed Sun and Venus in Scorpio, the dealings of the day will be serious as a heart attack.

Fiery, sentimental, Water works.

Can you say ‘passion’?
