. . . becoming your destiny—sept. 11th 2016

Came across this quote yesterday as I lazily surfed online. I have read it dozens of times, as most of you probably have, too. Only this time, its wisdom lined up nicely with what I am seeing in the current sky.

“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Line by line breakdown:

  • thoughts into words–>Virgo Sun conjunct a retrograde Virgo Mercury trining Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto
  • words into action–>Sagittarius Mars squaring the Sun/Mercury conjunction
  • actions into habits–>Libra Venus squaring the Moon/Pluto conjunction
  • habits into character–>tight Sagittarius Saturn square to Pisces Neptune
  • character into destiny–>Virgo/Pisces nodal axis tied into Saturn, Pluto and Neptune

Virgo is practical—good ol’ everyday nitty-gritty. The brain working with the nuts and bolts of hands in dirt. A retrograde Mercury in its own sign is a blessing—a reflective opportunity to get completely clear on what tricks your mind plays on you. Those little whispers are your greatest tool or your greatest liability.

Allow the intense feeling wisdom of Moon conjunct Pluto to be the guide.

Pay attention to the beginning.

How do your thoughts nourish you?  How do they sabotage you?  Are you proud of the result of those little seedlings?


on deck for the weekend—another fiercely lazy one—may 29th – 31st

Edward-Robert-Hughes-Painting-022All weekend, the Gemini Sun conjunct Mercury Rx will square Pisces Neptune, while sextiling/trining the Nodal Axis in Libra/Aries.

We aren’t gonna want to do anything—except drink and socialize with friends—if it’s not too much bother, of course.

And with all this Mutable energy splattered over the place, things may get a little sloppy.


Today, the waxing Moon gets zapped from all sides (opposes Uranus, squares Pluto and Venus, sextiles Jupiter), so there is plenty to talk about. Luna is still in Libra—so, we definitely want to interact with others and shoot the shit as the energy builds for next week’s Full Moon.

But tomorrow, she moves into Scorpio and the intensity amps up. We will want to hang with only the chosen few in our circles. Nice and intimate, like.

Sunday, again Luna dances with many—Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto and Chiron.  Lots of Water to keep the emotions running high, with a dash of Fire to steam up the embers of the eighth sign.

This one may have us party hard at first, but see us retreating into our own safety zone’s by weekend’s end.


week ahead—everyone’s OK!—may 26th – 28th

As we go back to the daily grind from the holiday weekend, we find the Moon is still solid in Virgo, Gemini Mars moves to conjunct MercuryRx and Cancer Venus gets ready to trine Pisces Chiron. We still are under the effects of painting-by-george-frederic-watts-at-watts-gallery-surrey-conde-nast-traveller-26jan15-prthe Jupiter/Pluto inconjunct; Venus squaring Uranus; Mars/Mercury squaring Neptune.

This is very much a day of limbo—many things are just slightly off from exact. Precise does not characterize today, much to the chagrin of our waxing Virgo Moon.

Wednesday, is a busy one AND we have the energy to be when Mars and Mercury meet up.

But dang it! Pesky Merc Retch just may frustrate us, A LOT. And, to be honest, the day may be a wash, anyway, for Luna goes VOC before dawn and stays that way till evening when she moves to Libra. Finish things, don’t start them.

Anyhoo, our minds are very active and if it’s mental work we need to do—with pen and paper—we may just be alright.

And for the Venus/Chiron contribution to the week—well, there will be a magnificent feeling of ‘I’m OK, you’re OK!’ For when Water feels good (and trines feel good), we feel accepted and loved, unconditionally. Not a time to grapple with low esteem and body hatred—we’ll see straight through that B.S.!!!!

Thank goodness!

Thursday, sees residuals from the day before while Luna traverses the sign of the Scales. She zaps the Nodal Axis while trining the boys in Gemini—we’ll be thinking of the future of important relationships and how we can maintain the passion.

Love all around!


for the long weekend—mirth and maelstrom—may 22nd – 25th

me55-burne-jones-the-knights-and-the-briar-roseThe Cancer Moon trined Pisces Chiron early this morning (about 1AM)—giving us potentially sweet, sweet dreams through the night. She is now Void of Course, remaining so till suppertime.

The Sun moved to Gemini yesterday and is currently locked in an opposition with Sagittarius Saturn Rx. How we interact with authority figures, especially about issues of communication and education will be highlighted.

This, Mercury Rx and a VOC Moon make the last day of our workweek a bit stressful—blah, it will keep till Tuesday. Do the best you can.

Tomorrow, the Moon is in shiny Leo interacting with all the planets in vivacious Gemini (Sun/Mars/Mercury) eventually to conjunct Jupiter, then trine zany Aries Uranus on Sunday.

This makes the weekend proper a skip in a budding spring meadow. Leo is happy and fun and it will definitely show!

And then we get to Monday.

Cancer Venus will square Aries Uranus while the Moon travels through Virgo creating a rolling Mutable Grand Square and Grand Cross with Saturn, the boys in Gemini and Neptune.

Fitful excitable day. We won’t know whether we want to read something, clean something, lecture someone or just get drunk instead. Before the day is done, we will probably partake in all of it!!!

It will be a bizarre vibe to remember our veterans under, but not so bad to have a backyard BBQ.

Or just go see Mad Max another time, like me.


for the weekend—roadblocks and resources—may 15th – 17th

Today, Gemini Mars opposes Sagittarius Saturn Rx—the atmosphere will be intellectually nervous with obstacle after obstacle popping up to stand in our way.

None of our attempts at action will go according to plan—best rethink the master scheme a bit or simply wait for better days.

Good thing it’s Friday, huh?  (Unless, of course, if it’s not your Friday.)

While Mars and Saturn go at it, the waning Aries Moon gets bolstered from a sextile with flighty Mercury and a trine from enthusiastic Jupiter but later she is slammed with a square from intense Pluto and a conjunction to erratic Uranus.

The day will feel like a nip of gin—burns but somehow warms, upturns but somehow steadies, calms but somehow excites—ALL AT ONCE!!!

Tomorrow is much better, for Cancer Venus trines Pisces Neptune—a lovely Water balm to ease frustration!

Although we will still be contending with the thwarted effects of the day before, it won’t matter that much since the vibe will seem so smoothly EMOTIONALLY transcendent.

And Sunday sees Luna in Taurus trudging along her way to the New Moon shortly after midnight Monday.

She sextiles both Neptune and Chiron and squares Jupiter—bringing a healing/spiritual dynamic to the Lunation as well as, unfortunately, a feeling of enough is NEVER enough.

I will dig deeper into that in an upcoming post.



week ahead—going out to meet the tide—may 11th – 14th

Herbert-James-Draper-Flying-Fish-1910Alright, the God of the Sea will rule this week—attacking our days from a myriad of angles.

Deluded or sublime.

Fantastical or confused.

Stagnating or evasive.

Hell, prolly a combination of all the above.

So, today, with Mars at the anaretic 29th degree, our Taurus Sun sextiles Pisces Chiron. Though we have plenty of confidence, our get up and go is scattered and chaotic.

Later tonight, the God of War passes over into Gemini and we’ll find a new sense of vitality and enthusiasm.

Tomorrow, has the Moon solidly (ha!) in Pisces. Luna conjuncts Neptune and squares Gemini Mercury—deep emotions simply won’t jive with the outer rational world. We’ll feel foggy headed and desperately wish to retreat, delaying any heavy thinking.

But, by Wednesday, the Moon has saddled along side Chiron—tapping into his sextile with the Sun. An immense conviction of purpose will be available—we’ll readily learn from mistakes and forge ahead down a clear path.

Thursday, the lovely Moon will have moved to Aries. She proceeds to trine Sagittarius Saturn, square Cancer Venus, conjunct the South Node—on her way to meeting up with Jupiter and Uranus.

Shit, we will feel antsy, depressed, slighted and oh, so hot tempered about it all. Keep your head down to avoid the inherent pitfalls.

OR assimilate past triumphs and blunders, continuing along the course of conviction from the day before—Saturn will certainly help in this regard!!

Always TWO options, guys!!

Well, it’s a week to get lost and then find ourselves again—with both, the propensity for reward.



for the weekend—earth and water/father and mother—may 8th – 10th

During the next couple, there is a significant slew of Water and Earth, combined with a common thread of the child-with-north-wind-illustration-by-jessie-willcox-smith-782x1024Mother/Father running throughout.

Nurturance and discipline. Genesis and tradition. Roots and legacy.

Yesterday, the Moon moved into Capricorn (the Father) and last night. Venus moved from Gemini to Cancer (the Mother), while Mars and the Sun continue to rock ‘n roll in Taurus.

Yes, yes, that’s lots of Earth, but, other than Cancer, where’s the Water?

Well,  uber (UBER!!) maleable Gemini Mercury squares Pisces Neptune—taking on all the aqueous traits the God of the Sea has to offer—to round out the Earth/Water dynamic! A lovely pure expression of Water since both planets are in the signs of their rulerships.

So, it’s a litany of the Cardinal parental axis (Cancer/Capricorn) with Fixed Earth (Taurus Sun and Mars) fueled by loosey goosey Mutable Neptune/Mercury (sopping wet Water).

Although today (Friday), may at times seem far too intense for comfort (Moon conjunct Pluto trine Sun), our impetus to connect with others will be highlighted. And tomorrow, our emotions will bolster our real-world activities (Moon trine Mars)—happily rolling through the day’s paces.

Again, the Father/Mother diad will surface on Saturday, as Cancer Venus inconjuncts Sagittarius Saturn in the final dance of their I/O/Q cycle.

Then by Sunday, Luna has moved to Aquarius and trines Gemini Mercury, making all our holiday plans with Mom smart and sassy in witty intellectual Air fashion.

Oh, how Mamas are gonna love their brilliant offspring!!!

These are the themes our emotions will gear toward (for the next couple days) and what experiences we will begin to attract to us (till Venus leaves for Leo), all while steadfastly (read: stubbornly—all that masculine Taurus, baby!!!) continuing on our merry Springtime way.

Lazy shapeshifters if we wanna be (Mercury square Neptune), too!

Happy Mother’s Day, ya’ll!!!


week ahead—recuperation and levity—may 4th – 7th

Since last night’s Full Moon, the sultry Scorpio Moon has rolled on to sextile Cappy Pluto, trine Pisces Chiron and WB2_0022_She-was-the-Queen-of-them-alloppose Taurus Mars, thus continuing the theme of yesterday’s Beltane—uncover the damage then set about repairing it.

Later tonight, Luna will then go Void of Course and remain so until Tuesday morning, when she crosses into Sagittarius and immediately conjuncts Saturn Rx while opposing Gemini Mercury.

We spend the day reconciling what our hearts want vs. what our minds reassure us we really need. With Saturn in the mix, our minds will probably carry the day, but Sagittarius is so enthusiastic and spirited we won’t be butt-hurt about it for long.

Wednesday is the busiest of the week, where the Taurus Sun trines Capricorn Pluto Rx—again reminiscent of the Full Moon vibe, only with tons of solid Earth energy to maintain a proper cadence. For the day, our waning Fire Moon lets off steam with squares to Pisces Neptune then Chiron, as well as gets a chipper boost from Leo Jupiter and Aries Uranus.

There will be little that could pull us down, our spirits will be absolutely irrepressible!

Then on Thursday, the Moon opposes Gemini Venus at the anaretic 29°. Emotions will be excessive, but Luna’s ultimate pass into Capricorn will certainly put the kibosh on the dramatics. This is the final aspect lovely Venus makes before she enters Cancer that evening. More later.

Alright, as we recuperate from the Full Flower Moon, a jolly Sadge Moon isn’t too shabbby a cohort to let the waning waters find stable level again. Not bad at all.

Enjoy your week.



week ahead—adapting to serve—april 27th – 30th

This week is one where Mutable energy runs the show.

Warwick-Goble-Vintage-Illustration-030But first, today, the Leo Moon squares Mars and Mercury in Taurus—so, our hearts will be out of sync with our words and actions.

Though the need to keep our environment stable is strong, we simply end up saying all the wrong things and potentially muck it all up. Best to keep a tight rein on our tongues and forego impatient decisions.

Thankfully today will be the most disjointed of the week, for by tomorrow the Moon moves into Virgo and quickly trines the Taurus Sun, as Mars sextiles Chiron. The need to organize and tweak will take over AND we’ll have the clarity and sense of purpose to see it done.

A Virgo Moon needs to serve and be of service—even if it’s just cleaning out our desks at work. We’ll simply feel the impetus to be more helpful and to take exceptional care with the “little stuff”.

Wednesday will be very similar to Tuesday—wanting to improve surroundings (Sun sextile Neptune) while having the drive (Moon trine Mars) and imaginative moxy (Moon opposite Neptune) to match our desires—with the exception of Gemini Venus squaring Pisces Chiron.

This tends to create a stumbling around like ‘awkward teenagers, unconfident and insecure affect. Especially with Venus in Gemini—our intellectual acumen will take the hardest hits.

Ughhhhh, painful!!

Hopefully, with all the Neptunian and Mutable energy about, the above will be smoothed to a fine-grade sandpaper. Well, at least long enough for us to realize our doubts need only be temporary.

Thursday, the lovely Virgo Moon will trine Taurus Mercury for a pleasant Earthy dose of feeling and thinking in simpatico, further adding to the prevailing ambiance of the week. This right before the Winged Messenger moves into Gemini, sign of his rulership, very late that evening. (More on that later.)

We are gonna know what we want and know how to get it with just enough celestial balm to keep our stress levels at a workable level. The one thing Mutable does best is roll with those punches, so no matter what life tosses at us, we will be adequately prepared to adapt as necessary.

All in all, a pretty positive week.


weekend augury—giving or getting?—april 17th – 19th


crane-walter-the-horses-of-neptune.-mythological-fine-art-print-poster.-sizes-a4-a3-a2-a1-00237-9904-pLate last night, Capricorn Pluto began retrograde motion at 15°, while today sees a fixed square between Taurus Mars and Leo Jupiter.

If things have been going to your liking as of late, all this is gonna solidify the will to keep on keepin’ on. But if you’ve been frustrated with your daily energy levels and general productivity, suffering one roadblock after another—this is gonna make you want to beat your head against the pavement.

The waning Moon is currently moving through the initial degrees of Cardinal Aries soon to conjunct Uranus and square Pluto—further intensifying the above.

If it’s good, it’s gonna be real good. Hell, yeah!!!   If it’s bad—I am truly sorry.

But hold tight—there’s hope!

Saturday, at around 3PM EST, Luna will meet up with Sol for the Aries New Moon at 28°. I’ll dig deeper into this in a later post.

Let’s just say, if you are in the kickin’ ass group, this Fire lunation will continue to fuel the way. But if you are on the ass kicked end—a blessed new beginning is certainly possible.

Regardless, on Sunday, as the Moon slips into her Taurus comfort zone, Gemini Venus squares, and Taurus Mercury sextiles, Pisces Neptune.

I always like to see the God of the Illusion engaged on a Sunday. No matter what your work schedule looks like, I find Sunday’s to be the one day EVERYONE can use a break and dear Neptune certainly can deliver.

There will be a lazy haze shrouding the day.

Like a cool breeze (Gemini) drifting (Mutable) across a tranquil lake (Pisces) intent on whispering (Mercury) sweet nothings (Neptune) lovingly (Venus) to the statuesque pines (Taurus) ashore.
