the bull and his thoughts—mercury into taurus—april 13th – april 30th

Mercury has been in Taurus, whose sigil is the Bull, since Monday. He will remain here for the rest of April.

Contemplation-c.-1900-Herbert-James-DraperThe switch from Aries to the second sign has our thoughts moving from quick action plans to the steady weighing of value.

Yep, the comparative value, or lack of, just about everything will be high on our mental landscape.

What does it cost? Is it worth the price?

Is it worth my time? What are the consequences?

Will it last? Is it good quality?

What is the return on my investment? Is it a fair deal?

Is it beautiful? Does it please ALL my senses?

Is he of good character? Is our bond strong or weak?

Is the risk too great? Does this build or breakdown stability?

It goes on and on.

The Bull is patient and possessive. And a fabulous judge of worth—only the best inspires his effort. He will wait for that perfect something or someone to come along and when it/they do—he will stop at nothing to have his desire, then cling to it for dear life, till his dying day.

But if the return on investment is not up to muster, our dear Bull will simply sit amongst the daisies, indefinitely content.

Just sitting . . . and thinking . . . and biding his time. Relishing all that his senses draw in to him.


and for the weekend—moving to the cerebral—april 10th – 12th

edward-burne-jones-4-the-golden-stairsWell, today, Mercury exacts his conjunction with the Aries Sun at 20° and then skadaddles right on past.

This lends a purity to the overall vibe of the weekend.  Our minds and conscious will are one and the same. No conflict, no divergent agendas—just straight up Aries!!!

Couple the above Cardinal Fire with the Moon traveling almost extensively through Cardinal Earth Capricorn for the next 3 days and just cold hard decisive action will characterize the atmosphere.

Saturday, lovely Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini. This marks a shift from lazy luxury to a desire for mental stimulation. Our Earthy senses relinquish control and the Airy workings of the intellect take over.

Fire Mercury and Air Venus—great for conversation and social mingling!

Then, Taurus Mars and Pisces Neptune sextile on Sunday for a pleasant boost to all the work the Warrior has been steady at the last week and a half. Water aids Earth with insights into imagination and emotional know-how. Duty won’t feel so heavy, as Neptune’s fog dissolves a bit of the burden for the day.

By and large, the weekend is one of the mind with a thrust toward getting tangible results.


vivacious escalation—double fire trines—april 2nd

Lots of fuel to burn today, guys!!

william-blake-1757-1827The Aries Sun is trining Leo JupiterRx at 12º, while Aries Mercury is trining Sagittarius Saturn at 4º.

So much Fire!!

And couple the above with the transiting Moon in efficient Virgo and since, Saturn is in play—well, there’s enough good sense to harness all the passion and verve into a productive outcome.

This is the energy we get to play with during the final days of build-up before the Full Moon/Eclipse on Saturday.

Tons of benevolent Masculine Fire with a waxing Moon before an Eclipse—get crackin’ ya’ll!!!


honing your craft—mars in taurus—march 31 – may 11

Mars has left the sign he rules, Aries.

Burne-Jones-Third-Day-of-CreationMany have been running amok—going here and there—just moving to move, shedding old Winter skins for a lighter, shinier outfit.

Battle ready but desperate for purpose. All this energy and these ideas—ughhhh, no place to go!

Unfocused Mars Aries.

Well, the Warrior has now moved into Taurus.

Taurus is the Bull—the Fixed Earth sign—things now will become far more practical and “focus” for focus’ sake will be a sight bit easier to embody.

With his ingress to the second sign, the Warrior joins Venus in her own sign, her own realm. He mutates himself to her function and form. He champions the ideals she holds supreme—this means our modus operandi will become thankfully a lot more easy going, too.

The wildfire of Aries becomes the hearth fire of Taurus.

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agile self-regard—mercury into aries—march 30 – april 14

Orlando-Pursuing-the-Fata-Morgana-by-George-Frederick-WattsSo, yesterday, dear Mercury moved from Mutable Water, Pisces, to Cardinal Fire, Aries.

I (<—-!!) can already notice the change!

Our minds are aligning with the force of the Aries Sun and our communication style will certainly demonstrate it.

Where for the last five or six months we have gotten accustomed to the “we/us/our” pronouns, there will be a significant shift to “I/me/mine” pronouns, AND FAST! It is all about you. We’ll worry about “we” in a week or two.

Me, me, ME!!!

Hermes is starting fresh, yet again, around the wheel—we are learning about ourselves, anew—impatient, self-centered and shiny! Rash and hungry for life.

We want to create and push forward—burst, screaming, from the confines of winter ice into spring warmth.

Get out and do and be and live!!!

We will be prone now to making impulsive decisions—ANY decision is a good decision—ambiguous is a torturous level of purgatory.

We will speak and act before thinking—this may indicate passion but equally as likely, reckless insensitivity.  Many toes will be trodded over, as sentences get shorter. . .

And shorter . . .

Into pointed self-absorption, stabbing blind.

(Seriously, try not to be a dick!)

This all lasts barely two weeks—it has almost burned for a full day as of now—use the Fire while you can.

For now is when all the ideas flash and flare, bright (especially as Mercury moves to conjunct Uranus on the 8th). Grasp them quickly!

Nevermind the worries of tomorrow—plans will be solidified when Mercury ingresses to the second sign. Now is the time to plunder the world for what YOU WANT!!!

Gather your intellectual treasures NOW!

Inventory and apologies later.

Dammit, hurry up!


following through—sun trine saturn rx—march 25th

Today, the Aries Sun trines SaturnRx in Sagittarius. aries-1907

This is excellent energy to tweak projects started under all the Arian planets of late.  Conserving resources and organization will be relatively painless—all those mundane things that keep the wheels turning. Our sense of responsiblity won’t let the tedious errands go undone despite the Cardinal push to move on to the next thing already!!

Saturn rules reputations and social status. Fire signs are exuberant. The Aries Sun is illuminating our hard work and the patience necessary to see a job well done. Deserved accolades will be given under this influence. Those of us who have taken our obligations seriously will be commended.

It’s all about the follow through—in the day-to-day and with justified praise.


the vanguard sets out—super new moon/vernal equinox/total solar eclipse—march 20th

warwickgobleWell, to say the Heavens have a lot going on tomorrow is an understatement.

Beautifully rare to have a super moon eclipse on the day of an equinox!

It all amounts to a potent time to set intentions—this time not just for a month but for the season and whole damn year!

Here’s a chronological list of all that happens:

  • ∼4AM – 8AM EST: a Total Solar Eclipse occurs that can been seen over parts of Europe, Africa, etc.
  • ∼5:30AM EST: the SuperMoon New Moon occurs at 29º Pisces
  • ∼2:00PM EST: the Aries Moon trines Sagittarius SaturnRx at 4º
  • ∼6:45PM EST: the Spring Equinox occurs as the Sun ingresses into Aries

During the length of the day, Taurus Venus approaches her inconjunct with SaturnRx and Pisces Mercury, his with Leo JupiterRx. Both of which perfect on Saturday.

And of course, the Uranus/Pluto square is still holding strong at 15º.

Alright. Let me parse the pieces of this special day—

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race in the u.s.a.—final duel of uranus square pluto—march 16th – 29th

Since last summer, our nation has been overrun with one controversial story of race relations in the US after another—specifically how African Americans are treated by white Americans.


Eric Garner

Aura Rosser

Madison, WI

Sigma Alpha Epsilon chant

This is just a list off the top of my head. It can go on and on. Terrible and terrifying things.

In my life, I’ve never known a time when ‘race’ wasn’t a volatile subject. But it is obvious to me that in the recent months the conversation has exploded with incidents (or are we just simply listening, now?) and outrage about the brutality and injustice of being black in America.

Out of the shadows, there have been some positives to come from this litany of disgusting abuse—namely, we marked a huge milestone with the 50th anniversary of the Freedom March on March 9th.

And that, dear readers, leads me to the point of my post.

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venus & mars trine father time—feb 24th

la-belle-dame-sans-merciYesterday was melancholy.

Today should be better.

A lot better.

Our spirited duo, Aries Mars and Venus are trining Sagittarius Saturn, and well, trines just feel better.

Today’s 120º trine angle brings together two planets of same element and therefore have none of the up-your-ass annoyance that characterize yesterday’s 90º square.

Element vs. Modality, of sorts.

Even old sour puss Saturn mellows when under a trine’s influence.

Fire signs, such as today’s players—Aries and Sadge, promise passion and speed, while Mars and Venus are two of the solar system’s consummate worker bees—a trine doubles your pleasure.

Father Time interacting with this pair adds stability and proper form. Everything that seemed impossible on Monday, will now feel effortless on Tuesday.

Whatever chinks in the armor Sun/Saturn illuminated under the square, can now be resolved with gutsy promptness under the trine. Use the former to get to the latter—one into the other.

Those of us with planets and points at the beginning degrees of the Fire signs feel the goodness most acutely.

And finally, remember, Venus and Mars together is almost always super sexy. We can all bask in that glow as we continue through our week.




the masculine and feminine on fire—mars & venus into aries

who is the artist?????

who is the artist? —–> Zdzislaw Beksinski

Friday the 20th, Mars and Venus ingressed and conjuncted at 0º of Aries.

Thus a new cycle begins among astrology’s most interesting pair, the God of War and Goddess of Love.

Their passage from Pisces to Aries not only threatens the arrival of Spring in a number of short weeks but is very special due to degree and sign involved.

Alright, to start, I will discuss the sign of Aries and what it means to have planets here, then I’ll get on to the peremptory conjunction.

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