for the long weekend—mirth and maelstrom—may 22nd – 25th

me55-burne-jones-the-knights-and-the-briar-roseThe Cancer Moon trined Pisces Chiron early this morning (about 1AM)—giving us potentially sweet, sweet dreams through the night. She is now Void of Course, remaining so till suppertime.

The Sun moved to Gemini yesterday and is currently locked in an opposition with Sagittarius Saturn Rx. How we interact with authority figures, especially about issues of communication and education will be highlighted.

This, Mercury Rx and a VOC Moon make the last day of our workweek a bit stressful—blah, it will keep till Tuesday. Do the best you can.

Tomorrow, the Moon is in shiny Leo interacting with all the planets in vivacious Gemini (Sun/Mars/Mercury) eventually to conjunct Jupiter, then trine zany Aries Uranus on Sunday.

This makes the weekend proper a skip in a budding spring meadow. Leo is happy and fun and it will definitely show!

And then we get to Monday.

Cancer Venus will square Aries Uranus while the Moon travels through Virgo creating a rolling Mutable Grand Square and Grand Cross with Saturn, the boys in Gemini and Neptune.

Fitful excitable day. We won’t know whether we want to read something, clean something, lecture someone or just get drunk instead. Before the day is done, we will probably partake in all of it!!!

It will be a bizarre vibe to remember our veterans under, but not so bad to have a backyard BBQ.

Or just go see Mad Max another time, like me.


week ahead—adapting to serve—april 27th – 30th

This week is one where Mutable energy runs the show.

Warwick-Goble-Vintage-Illustration-030But first, today, the Leo Moon squares Mars and Mercury in Taurus—so, our hearts will be out of sync with our words and actions.

Though the need to keep our environment stable is strong, we simply end up saying all the wrong things and potentially muck it all up. Best to keep a tight rein on our tongues and forego impatient decisions.

Thankfully today will be the most disjointed of the week, for by tomorrow the Moon moves into Virgo and quickly trines the Taurus Sun, as Mars sextiles Chiron. The need to organize and tweak will take over AND we’ll have the clarity and sense of purpose to see it done.

A Virgo Moon needs to serve and be of service—even if it’s just cleaning out our desks at work. We’ll simply feel the impetus to be more helpful and to take exceptional care with the “little stuff”.

Wednesday will be very similar to Tuesday—wanting to improve surroundings (Sun sextile Neptune) while having the drive (Moon trine Mars) and imaginative moxy (Moon opposite Neptune) to match our desires—with the exception of Gemini Venus squaring Pisces Chiron.

This tends to create a stumbling around like ‘awkward teenagers, unconfident and insecure affect. Especially with Venus in Gemini—our intellectual acumen will take the hardest hits.

Ughhhhh, painful!!

Hopefully, with all the Neptunian and Mutable energy about, the above will be smoothed to a fine-grade sandpaper. Well, at least long enough for us to realize our doubts need only be temporary.

Thursday, the lovely Virgo Moon will trine Taurus Mercury for a pleasant Earthy dose of feeling and thinking in simpatico, further adding to the prevailing ambiance of the week. This right before the Winged Messenger moves into Gemini, sign of his rulership, very late that evening. (More on that later.)

We are gonna know what we want and know how to get it with just enough celestial balm to keep our stress levels at a workable level. The one thing Mutable does best is roll with those punches, so no matter what life tosses at us, we will be adequately prepared to adapt as necessary.

All in all, a pretty positive week.


for the weekend—the lion, the lady and the bull—april 24th – 26th

As we finish our week, we patiently hold tight to big-hearted emotions (Leo Moon trine Sagittarus Saturn) only to see them venus-between-terminal-gods-1895-explode by Sunday.

It may prove a nice occurrence—the ability to get good and clear on what our needs are, then pitch them back to the world in over-the-top dramatic flare (Leo Moon conjunct Leo Jupiter).

Constrict to ultimately expand. Emotional exhale—big time!!

We get shown exactly how long one can cling to a dying reality (Gemini Venus inconjunct Capricorn PlutoRx), if even only in the mind. How the stubborn powers-that-be rule supreme (Taurus Sun quincunx Sagittarius Saturn) and demand we acknowledge their authority.

Thus culminating in a mini-revolt, if you will, against the truths of our personal worlds vs. the truths of the greater humanity. We will search our every thinking moment on how to better the situation (Taurus Mecury sextile Pisces Chiron)—how to make it somehow work in the day-to-day.

Only to be born anew into individuality and fire (Gemini Venus sextile Aries Uranus)—evolving.

Have fun out there!


tarot tales: the Page of Swords

This past Sunday was my paternal Grandma’s 101st birthday. She has been gone 9 years now, but all the same. I had a feeling my next tarot story would be about her and sure enough . . .



Page of Swords

  • Minor Arcana—intellectual/immature energy
  • astrology: the Air signs
  • numerology:
  • basic themes: messenger of challenge and an opportunity for growth


I was always upsetting her. Of course, I was a willful child, rebellious and sassy.

She was from a very different time—we had little in common.

She came of age during the Depression; I am a child of the 80’s and teen of the 90’s.

Different as different could be.

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of angels and kings—leo full moon—feb. 3rd

warwick6Tomorrow evening, at around 6 PM EST, we have the Leo Full Moon at 14º.

The Sun/Moon opposition will be forming a boomerang yod with Capricorn Pluto and the recent Pisces Mars/Chiron conjunction AND the outrageous Uranus/Pluto square is in full effect.

Pretty potent stuff!!

So, let’s get started.

Remember to pinpoint the houses the Leo/Aquarius axis falls to know exactly where the business is going down for you.

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tarot tales: the Moon


This is what’s going on.

So, to kick off this endeavor, the very first card drawn is—

The Moon XVIII

  • Major Arcana—feminine/goddess energy
  • astrology: Cancer, Pisces
  • numerology: 18, 9
  • basic themes: imagination, psychic development, unforeseen changes, things aren’t always what they seem


February. Mid-twenties—temperature and age.

It was a Thursday evening about 9:45 PM.

Walking with a close friend, on our way to cheap pitchers at the bar. All bundled up. Thankful for the stretches of shoveled sidewalk, gingerly crunching through the bits that no one had bothered with. Head down, checking for icy spots.

It was quite far, walking, from our houses to the destination, so we had plenty of time to shoot the shit.  Conversation always sounds different through cold air, covered ears and multiple layers.

I had spent the last year having fun. Traveling Europe—one punk festival to the next, living with friends, working part-time but making more than enough, weeks packed with basement shows and house parties.

Life was good, really frikkin’ good, but I was in so much pain.

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why so serious?—sun/venus/saturn conjunct—november 12th – 18th

Currently in the skies, Venus and the Sun are about 4º apart.The-Dragon-with-Seven-Heads

The two were cazimi on the 24th of October, and then the Goddess of Love overtook the Sun shortly before Halloween, although she remains combust at the moment.

On November the 12th, Aphrodite will conjunct Father Time at 25º of Scorpio.  Then on the 18th, the Sun will follow suit while Venus makes her move into gregarious Sagittarius.

The most dramatic day of this week long event will be Friday the 14th, where Venus/Saturn/Sun (all within 5º) will square the Moon and Jupiter in Leo.

If you are in possession of planets or points amongst the last decan of the Fixed signs, especially Scorpio and Leo, this will be a powerful few days for you.

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