. . . becoming your destiny—sept. 11th 2016

Came across this quote yesterday as I lazily surfed online. I have read it dozens of times, as most of you probably have, too. Only this time, its wisdom lined up nicely with what I am seeing in the current sky.

“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Line by line breakdown:

  • thoughts into words–>Virgo Sun conjunct a retrograde Virgo Mercury trining Capricorn Moon conjunct Pluto
  • words into action–>Sagittarius Mars squaring the Sun/Mercury conjunction
  • actions into habits–>Libra Venus squaring the Moon/Pluto conjunction
  • habits into character–>tight Sagittarius Saturn square to Pisces Neptune
  • character into destiny–>Virgo/Pisces nodal axis tied into Saturn, Pluto and Neptune

Virgo is practical—good ol’ everyday nitty-gritty. The brain working with the nuts and bolts of hands in dirt. A retrograde Mercury in its own sign is a blessing—a reflective opportunity to get completely clear on what tricks your mind plays on you. Those little whispers are your greatest tool or your greatest liability.

Allow the intense feeling wisdom of Moon conjunct Pluto to be the guide.

Pay attention to the beginning.

How do your thoughts nourish you?  How do they sabotage you?  Are you proud of the result of those little seedlings?


the future is now!!—gemini/sagittarius full moon—june 2nd

Today, around Noon is the Full Moon at 11° Gemini/Sagittarius.

Perle-glezna-webThis axis is one of communication, travel and education. Gemini is more your cozy neighborhood, while Sagittarius is searching all corners of the world for knowledge.

Today’s luminary opposition is squaring Neptune Pisces creating a Mutable t-square—9°-12° Virgo, it’s ON!!!  Almost in lockstep with the Lunation, Gemini Mars is exacting his first quincunx with Capricorn Pluto Rx, while Mercury Rx still interacts kindly with the Nodal Axis.

Added all together, it communicates (Gemini/Sadge) a celestial push to realize your dreams (Neptune/Nodal Axis) but with the full knowledge that getting there isn’t gonna be easy (square/inconjunct). Nope, you’re gonna have to use your brains (Gemini Mercury) and work for it (Mars), HARD (Pluto). But with discipline and determination (Capricorn Pluto) the world WILL answer your call (Gemini/Sagittarius).

It’s wide open (Mutable), ya’ll!!!

There is no Lunation more apt to kick off the ‘rest of your life’ for all the graduating students this time of year than a Full Moon in Gemini/Sadge.

Big fish in the small pond (Gemini) is progressing to little fish in the big pond (Sagittarius). The day-to-day is being replaced with the unknown—a much bigger, scarier journey than before. All the education and growing, all the brainstorming and philosophizing are the tools you’ll need to get you on with it!!

Who knows where the adventure will lead, but the destination was never the point, was it?

Happy Full Moon!!!



week ahead—critical control—june 1st – 4th

Sunset-by-Caspar-David-FriedrichHoly crap, it’s June!!!

And for the first week, it’s actually a busy couple of days.

Today, the Moon finishes her monthly in Scorpio, moving to Sadge joining Saturn at 0°. The intensity of this placement is exacerbated by Luna and Father Time being at critical degrees—but trying to keep it all under tight rein, like Scorpio and Saturn are want to do. Tense!

Tuesday sees the Gemini/Sagittarius Lunation, where Mars plays an important role. (I will go into more detail in a subsequent post.) Then by suppertime, we contend with a wide Grand Fire Trine among the Moon, Jupiter and Uranus, that will no doubt help with the FM hangover.

Wednesday, Luna goes VOC just after sunrise and remains so till after sunset.  Sandbag the work day, if you can, unless, of course, you need to use the Void to your advantage!

Thursday, the Capricorn Moon works her way through aspects to the Nodes and Neptune to reach Pluto, late. The vibe is reminiscent of how we began the week under a Scorpio Moon conjunct Saturn—emotional discipline and control.

Also, similar is the day’s critical degree/out of sign square between Cancer Venus and Sagittarius Saturn Rx at 29° and 0°, respectively.

Don’t let this get you down. Remember your worth and know you have what it takes!


on deck for the weekend—another fiercely lazy one—may 29th – 31st

Edward-Robert-Hughes-Painting-022All weekend, the Gemini Sun conjunct Mercury Rx will square Pisces Neptune, while sextiling/trining the Nodal Axis in Libra/Aries.

We aren’t gonna want to do anything—except drink and socialize with friends—if it’s not too much bother, of course.

And with all this Mutable energy splattered over the place, things may get a little sloppy.


Today, the waxing Moon gets zapped from all sides (opposes Uranus, squares Pluto and Venus, sextiles Jupiter), so there is plenty to talk about. Luna is still in Libra—so, we definitely want to interact with others and shoot the shit as the energy builds for next week’s Full Moon.

But tomorrow, she moves into Scorpio and the intensity amps up. We will want to hang with only the chosen few in our circles. Nice and intimate, like.

Sunday, again Luna dances with many—Neptune, Jupiter, Pluto and Chiron.  Lots of Water to keep the emotions running high, with a dash of Fire to steam up the embers of the eighth sign.

This one may have us party hard at first, but see us retreating into our own safety zone’s by weekend’s end.


week ahead—everyone’s OK!—may 26th – 28th

As we go back to the daily grind from the holiday weekend, we find the Moon is still solid in Virgo, Gemini Mars moves to conjunct MercuryRx and Cancer Venus gets ready to trine Pisces Chiron. We still are under the effects of painting-by-george-frederic-watts-at-watts-gallery-surrey-conde-nast-traveller-26jan15-prthe Jupiter/Pluto inconjunct; Venus squaring Uranus; Mars/Mercury squaring Neptune.

This is very much a day of limbo—many things are just slightly off from exact. Precise does not characterize today, much to the chagrin of our waxing Virgo Moon.

Wednesday, is a busy one AND we have the energy to be when Mars and Mercury meet up.

But dang it! Pesky Merc Retch just may frustrate us, A LOT. And, to be honest, the day may be a wash, anyway, for Luna goes VOC before dawn and stays that way till evening when she moves to Libra. Finish things, don’t start them.

Anyhoo, our minds are very active and if it’s mental work we need to do—with pen and paper—we may just be alright.

And for the Venus/Chiron contribution to the week—well, there will be a magnificent feeling of ‘I’m OK, you’re OK!’ For when Water feels good (and trines feel good), we feel accepted and loved, unconditionally. Not a time to grapple with low esteem and body hatred—we’ll see straight through that B.S.!!!!

Thank goodness!

Thursday, sees residuals from the day before while Luna traverses the sign of the Scales. She zaps the Nodal Axis while trining the boys in Gemini—we’ll be thinking of the future of important relationships and how we can maintain the passion.

Love all around!


week ahead—going out to meet the tide—may 11th – 14th

Herbert-James-Draper-Flying-Fish-1910Alright, the God of the Sea will rule this week—attacking our days from a myriad of angles.

Deluded or sublime.

Fantastical or confused.

Stagnating or evasive.

Hell, prolly a combination of all the above.

So, today, with Mars at the anaretic 29th degree, our Taurus Sun sextiles Pisces Chiron. Though we have plenty of confidence, our get up and go is scattered and chaotic.

Later tonight, the God of War passes over into Gemini and we’ll find a new sense of vitality and enthusiasm.

Tomorrow, has the Moon solidly (ha!) in Pisces. Luna conjuncts Neptune and squares Gemini Mercury—deep emotions simply won’t jive with the outer rational world. We’ll feel foggy headed and desperately wish to retreat, delaying any heavy thinking.

But, by Wednesday, the Moon has saddled along side Chiron—tapping into his sextile with the Sun. An immense conviction of purpose will be available—we’ll readily learn from mistakes and forge ahead down a clear path.

Thursday, the lovely Moon will have moved to Aries. She proceeds to trine Sagittarius Saturn, square Cancer Venus, conjunct the South Node—on her way to meeting up with Jupiter and Uranus.

Shit, we will feel antsy, depressed, slighted and oh, so hot tempered about it all. Keep your head down to avoid the inherent pitfalls.

OR assimilate past triumphs and blunders, continuing along the course of conviction from the day before—Saturn will certainly help in this regard!!

Always TWO options, guys!!

Well, it’s a week to get lost and then find ourselves again—with both, the propensity for reward.



and for the weekend—social and on the rise—may 1st – 3rd

Well, super late last night Mercury moved into Gemini.

Herbert-James-Draper-The-Vintage-MornOur minds are a flit and a flutter with strong mental awareness. All the better to accompany the Moon in her current journey through Libra—another extra social, extra intellectual Air sign.

Mars nor the Sun are activated for the weekend, so it will most likely be a lazy couple spent reading and chatting—lounging about with our brains doing the heavy lifting.

And it is within the next few days the tough and menacing Pluto/Uranus square will officially break apart. We can all sigh a sigh of collective relief. Sure, residuals will linger but the worst is OVER!!!!

The good times continue to roll as Luna sextiles Leo Jupiter and trines Gemini Venusbenefics that make for the best of party partners—after zapping the North Node. Our timing is impeccable and we can’t help but keep a jolly smirk across our faces as we skip through the weekend.

Even Mercury opposing Sagittarius Saturn on Sunday won’t hinder us too badly, for the passionate and wise Scorpio Moon will trine Pisces Neptune easing the depressive ruminations Father Time throws our way.

So, our task is to enjoy the stimulating conversations the sky’s bevy of cerebral Air will grant us and revel in the amped energies of the waxing Moon—should be quite a nice start to May.

Happy May Day!!!


me or we?—libra’s total lunar eclipse—april 4th

In less than 12 hours we have the Libra/Aries Full Moon at 14º.

the-platonic-lament-1894-Not only is it a Full Moon but, in answer to the Equinox/New Moon two weeks ago, also the day of an Eclipse—a Total Lunar this time ’round—rare and bloody.

And on an even larger scale, tomorrow’s lunation speaks to events we were managing this time last Spring and Fall—full circle and/or full steam ahead.

There are many factors in play with this one, most notably: Sun conjunct Uranus, Mercury conjunct South Node, Jupiter trine Sun and last but not least, Sun & Moon square Pluto—t-square!

If you are the possessor of planets or points between 10º-17º of the Cardinal signs (and the Fire or Fixed signs, too) then this could potentially be a big event for you, with 14º-15º Cancer a dumping ground for a majority of the energies here—yikes, if you are the lucky one!

For the collective—lots of Fire, tons of Cardinal. Passion and initiative.

Those intentions set during the middle of March are coming to a head or gaining momentum depending on the necessary timeframe.

This Full Moon is on the Aries/Libra axis and is an Eclipse, therefore the Moon’s Nodes are conjunct the event (nodes = our past that greatly affects our future). So, it is very much a dynamic of “space or intimacy”—“mine or yours”—“me or we”—“individuality or co-operation”—or better yet, a lovely balance somewhere in between!

Yes, the past weighs heavily, but Pluto is engaged to force an evolution. Hard, painful, gut wrenching teardown then an Uranian-fueled forward thrust—if one is needed. Maybe it works out the attachment is rock solid and tomorrow’s Eclipse merely fans the fires of pleasure.

Well either way, by Summer’s end, we’ll get to partake these delights for a fourth parlay.

As always, look to the houses brought to the fore for precisely how this manifests personally for you.

Happy Blood Moon, everyone!


march 31st—i am behind, oh well

blake1Monday was a bad day for me.

I wrote the basics here.

So, I’ve missed posting about a few aspects:

  • venus trine pluto
  • sun conjunct south node

Not to be a cryptic asshole, but what went down on the farm over the weekend are perfect examples of what can happen when the sun shines brightly on ideas and plans that simply won’t work, as well as staggering beauty in the grip of death.

As much as I beat my head against the workings of all that is larger than myself, the more I am reminded of the stubborn fool I insist on being. Going with the flow has never been a happy ride for me.

Aries season.


of service and surrender—virgo/pisces full moon—march 5th

Today is the Virgo/Pisces Full Moon at 14º. Saule-Ct168-1024x847

I spoke about Mercury’s role in this event a couple of days ago and yesterday’s post related some of what Venus is up to today.

So, along with the Full Moon proper, I will concentrate on the following pieces to this intricate Lunation:

  • Mars conjuncts the South Node in Aries
  • Venus/Uranus quincunxes the Virgo Moon
  • Luna trines Cappy Pluto and opposes Pisces Chiron
  • Sun conjuncts (albeit widely) Chiron (adding himself to the reformed Jupiter Rx/Pluto/Chiron Yod)


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