just enough is plenty—taurus new moon—may 18th

This evening, shortly after midnight, the Sun and Moon conjunct at almost 27° Taurus.

the-fruit-bearers-Taurus is Fixed Earth.

Solid and true. Stubborn and predictable. Abundant, sometimes greedy.

The two Luminaries make no major aspects with another planet, thus standing alone in their union—completely appropriate.

But hours before they exact, Luna trines Capricorn Pluto Rx and squares Leo Jupiter—bringing more Earth and more Fixed energy into the equation. (Jupiter and Pluto are currently quincunxing, preparing to exact on the 21st—more on that later.)

On her own, Taurus cares deeply about stability, longevity and bounty. But with the above celestial additions, issues of trust and security become paramount in tonight’s event. There will be a near obsessive questioning of how much is enough?

And do I have it?

Love. Health. Friends. Joy. Money. Food. Laughter.

Yes, the area this Lunation occurs in your natal is probably keeping you awake at night of late—nevermind if you have planets or points at the exact degree.

Scary business when fundamental surety is lacking.

We all know life is never a sure thing, but it still worries us from time to time—and some more than others and in very different ways and at different times!!!

Ok, so how to calm these fears using tonight’s Taurean energy? Well, it is quite simple, really—ritual and routine.

Start one!

The more personal and innocent the better—make it your own inside joke with the universe! A mini-prayer and promise that things are gonna be OK.

The Bull is slow and steadfast—the simple act of lighting a candle or brewing a cup of tea (or whatever!!) when certain fears surface, then doing it over and over, day after day, will pacify the demons and ground the spirit.

Will it fix the problem—uhmm, NO!! But it will center your resolve to carry on and carrying on is the Bull’s bread and butter!

Happy New Moon, ya’ll!


yes, i do kiss my mom with this mouth!!—mars/mercury/pluto—april 21st – 22nd

Well, yesterday Taurus Mars trined Capricorn Pluto Rx, while today Mercury moves in to conjunct Mars and also trine Pluto. All in Earth.

Edward-Poynter-Knuckle-BonesIn the most mundane sense, what this means is cussing up a storm! It’s all tits & ass and cock & balls!! Raunchy sex jokes and off color accolades galore!

But surprisingly, no one is going to be over-sensitive to it. All the filth and smut will land precisely where it is intended—to cut the edge off a seriously stressful situation, take the bite out of a ridiculously loooonnnnggg day, to brilliantly correct a social power imbalance.

We’ll ALL get the joke and no one will be hurt. Win-win-WIN!

For the next 24 hours, we’ll get away with this misbehavior because there is an honesty to Mars/Mercury/Pluto that bleeds through without fail. We are being silly with Earth energy. Earth rules our bodies and it is in this element we can be truthful about all the nasty we turn from every other day. We actually can appreciate how raw and primal each and every one of us is.

And to add to the merriment, sweet Gemini Venus and Leo Jupiter also sextile at 12°, today. (Forming a wide Finger of God with the Lord of Filth himself, the aforementioned Pluto!) These two are known as the benefics. They are LUCKY and as a result, so are we!!

Enjoy it while it lasts, ya’ll. We’ll go back to our hyper-offended, stick-in-the-mud, our-bodies-are-dirty-and-shameful mentality soon enough.


sun into taurus—april 20th – may 21st

The Sun moved into Taurus on Monday. A shift from “outta my way!” to “show me the money!” took place.

Herbert-James-Draper-Study-for-rower-in-Ulysses-and-the-SirensBut we all know Taurus is more than just cold hard cash. Lots more.

Taurus is Fixed Earth, represented by the Bull.

Earth signs are the builders. Building things that last. Things that last = security. Capricorn climbs the mountain. Virgo separates the wheat from the chaff. And for his part, Taurus is the stubborn craftsman. Creating things of quality, that stand the test of human use are the talent of the Bull.

This second sign is Venus ruled, therefore form absolutely must meet function.  All is right with the world, when it is has a sensual purpose.

Family, home, nature—good food and drink surrounded by that which we love. These are the Bull’s bread and butter. These are the things that last.

And to come full circle with the money theme—with Taurus it really does all come back to investment. Seeds are planted because they turn into food. Money is made because it ensures consistent comfort down the road.  Relationships are nourished because there is nothing that screams security like friends and lovers that have your back. Nothing is undertaken that doesn’t portend a practical return of some sort.

Security, stability, longevity, beauty.

Everything else is irrelevant.


the bull and his thoughts—mercury into taurus—april 13th – april 30th

Mercury has been in Taurus, whose sigil is the Bull, since Monday. He will remain here for the rest of April.

Contemplation-c.-1900-Herbert-James-DraperThe switch from Aries to the second sign has our thoughts moving from quick action plans to the steady weighing of value.

Yep, the comparative value, or lack of, just about everything will be high on our mental landscape.

What does it cost? Is it worth the price?

Is it worth my time? What are the consequences?

Will it last? Is it good quality?

What is the return on my investment? Is it a fair deal?

Is it beautiful? Does it please ALL my senses?

Is he of good character? Is our bond strong or weak?

Is the risk too great? Does this build or breakdown stability?

It goes on and on.

The Bull is patient and possessive. And a fabulous judge of worth—only the best inspires his effort. He will wait for that perfect something or someone to come along and when it/they do—he will stop at nothing to have his desire, then cling to it for dear life, till his dying day.

But if the return on investment is not up to muster, our dear Bull will simply sit amongst the daisies, indefinitely content.

Just sitting . . . and thinking . . . and biding his time. Relishing all that his senses draw in to him.


brainpower!!—venus into gemini—april 11th – may 7th

Today, Saturday, April 11th, dear Venus moves from Fixed Earth, Taurus, to Mutable Air, Gemini.

Arthur-Foord-Hughes-A-lady-reading-while-playing-the-spinet1Aphrodite rules the second sign, meaning she was in her element (hee hee!) during her stay in Taurus. Now, she has moved on to Mercury’s turf.

Really, this isn’t such a bad transition—since the two deities work rather well together. Mercury is the brains and Venus is the looks, so to speak.

But, now for the next three and a half weeks, the Goddess of Love gets to don her thinking cap and go all mental.

Gemini Venus is smart. Very smart. She is well read and precocious. She needs to flex her intellectual muscles the way Aries Mars needs to flex his actual physical muscles. Her mind is what makes her so attractive AND what she uses to attract others and situations to her.

She craves stimulation. Doing four things at once makes her happy. Listening to the radio and watching TV while writing a term paper puts her at ease. She wants to surround herself with those who can keep up and help her exhaust Mutable Air’s constant cerebral fires. (But if you think this placement is hyper, just wait til Mercury gets here in May!!!)

Yep, Gemini Venus’ energy is boundless—this lady can chat your ear off. She is interesting and interested in her surroundings. She is a bit of a know-it-all but truly appreciates those who can challenge and educate her the most. She is well-rounded and knows quite a lot about most subjects.  She is in love with ideas but loves communicating them even more. She wants to be in the know and suffers when the flow of information is blocked.

There are a few things to watch out for during this time, such as superficiality—Gemini flints across the surface of ALL things, there is little time left to dig deep. Gossip is another flaw of this celestial area. Can you blame them, really?  EVERYTHING is just so damn fascinating and it NEEDS to be discussed!


So, there you have it, guys. For almost the next month, we get to turn up the brain power—Venusian style.


and for the weekend—moving to the cerebral—april 10th – 12th

edward-burne-jones-4-the-golden-stairsWell, today, Mercury exacts his conjunction with the Aries Sun at 20° and then skadaddles right on past.

This lends a purity to the overall vibe of the weekend.  Our minds and conscious will are one and the same. No conflict, no divergent agendas—just straight up Aries!!!

Couple the above Cardinal Fire with the Moon traveling almost extensively through Cardinal Earth Capricorn for the next 3 days and just cold hard decisive action will characterize the atmosphere.

Saturday, lovely Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini. This marks a shift from lazy luxury to a desire for mental stimulation. Our Earthy senses relinquish control and the Airy workings of the intellect take over.

Fire Mercury and Air Venus—great for conversation and social mingling!

Then, Taurus Mars and Pisces Neptune sextile on Sunday for a pleasant boost to all the work the Warrior has been steady at the last week and a half. Water aids Earth with insights into imagination and emotional know-how. Duty won’t feel so heavy, as Neptune’s fog dissolves a bit of the burden for the day.

By and large, the weekend is one of the mind with a thrust toward getting tangible results.


honing your craft—mars in taurus—march 31 – may 11

Mars has left the sign he rules, Aries.

Burne-Jones-Third-Day-of-CreationMany have been running amok—going here and there—just moving to move, shedding old Winter skins for a lighter, shinier outfit.

Battle ready but desperate for purpose. All this energy and these ideas—ughhhh, no place to go!

Unfocused Mars Aries.

Well, the Warrior has now moved into Taurus.

Taurus is the Bull—the Fixed Earth sign—things now will become far more practical and “focus” for focus’ sake will be a sight bit easier to embody.

With his ingress to the second sign, the Warrior joins Venus in her own sign, her own realm. He mutates himself to her function and form. He champions the ideals she holds supreme—this means our modus operandi will become thankfully a lot more easy going, too.

The wildfire of Aries becomes the hearth fire of Taurus.

Continue reading

feeding your devotion—venus sextile chiron—april 1st

So, today Taurus Venus sextiles Pisces Chiron at 18º.

Fixed Earth and Mutable Water—practical emotion; sensual nuturance.

George-Barbier-LAveu-Difficile-1123-33When the Goddess of Love and the Maverick meet it suggests an opportunity to solidify relationship bonds through integrity and acceptance. Mastering the ability to relate to another as a perfectly imperfect individual is heightened.

Listen, see, feel—drink in the restorative waters of respect and acknowledgement. Joyously serve them to your beloved, sharing the rich rewards of hearty kindness.

The chance to overcome inflicted wounds is available. A simple affectionate touch could mend a festered slight and build fidelity, for Taurus Venus utililizes all her senses.

Feed a relationship with warmth, faith and compassion. A relationship with a lover, a friend, a child, a co-worker—yourself!


easy does it, now—venus square jupiter rx—march 27th

If we aren’t super careful, this is one of those aspects that can bring out the worst in just about anyone.

Art-Nouveau-Painting-007Taurus Venus really likes to look good and Leo Jupiter is literally the celestial King of Drama—so we’re all gonna bend toward “self-absorbed, over-sensitive Diva” for Friday, into the weekend.

Our mood will rise and fall with how on fleek our image appears in the mirror. Our ego’s will inflate and conceit will be cheapest dish on the menu. Empty arrogance with nothing to back it up.

Over indulgence supreme—we’ll want to party HARD, drink too much, eat our weight in chocolate, throw epic tantrums, flirt too much, spend money that we may simply not have—and boy, will we feel ever entitled to it all!!!

Taurus and Leo are Fixed signs, so we’ll find it too easy to dig our heels in and refuse to budge from the absurdity. Stubborn with a belief you occupy the center of the universe—yuck!

Remember the highest knowledge of Taurus—what has ultimate value in life—gentleness, friendship, dignity. And the highest expression of Leo—we are each a special dear child of love and laughter.

Not some cocky twatrag without the sense the good Lord gave a tree stump.
