weekend, now—pivots and action points—june 12th – 14th

Rossetti_1915_Sing_Song_Girls_AngelSo, Mercury is now direct!! Neptune is now retrograde; Saturn is hovering at the zero degree. Jupiter and Uranus are still givin’ the good vibes from their fiery thrones and the Sun and Mars are of one mind in Gemini.

That’s the weekend in a nutshell, folks.

Luna will spend today and tomorrow in Taurus—slow and steady and oh, so sensual—interacting with Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and Venus in Leo. All nice for a relaxing weekend. She will then move to Gemini on Sunday, conjuncting Mercury and opposing Saturn as he regresses into Scorpio that night—gearing up mentally for the work week ahead.

The Sun overtakes Mars at 23° Gemini on Sunday, as well—beginning a new cycle for our Warrior.

In one way or another, everything mentioned leads back to the intellectualism of Gemini.

Ideas, ideas, ideas. Retracing to inject cheerful wit and bold genius.



sun into gemini—words, people, WORDS!!!!—may 21st – june 21st

Well, the Sun moved from Taurus to Gemini last Thursday.

george-barbier-le-jour-et-la-nuit-1100-331I have only now been able to get a post out about it.

Could it be due the fact the newly ingressed Sun immediately opposed Sagittarius Saturn Rx (delays and frustration) after his transition? Or could it be the havoc Gemini Mercury Retrograde is having on my already precarious internet connectivity grip here at my current location?


The Sun has now joined Mercury, Gemini’s ruler, and Mars in the third sector of the zodiac.

Mutable Air. An intellectual sign, whose sigil is the Twins—Castor and Pollux.

There is a duality to all the Air signs and our Gemini is characterised as literally two people. Castor is the earth bound brother, while Pollux is the deified immortal. Things will take on this biformity as the solar month continues. It will be hard to miss.

Also, hard to miss is the resurgence of Gemini’s shiny—ah, let me explain.

Lovers of astrology know every sign has a “shiny”—that thing which simply, unfailingly, lights their kind ablaze.

And Gemini’s shiny is WORDS. Lovely alphabets arranged to make glorious language.

For the last few weeks, I have been struck with how old words appear reborn in their power and strength, while other, strange, unknown words manifest from nowhere as if I am witnessing the creation of a neonatal galaxy.














on and on and on . . .

Like diamonds beaconing from the ruinous dirt.

Gemini! Yeah.


tools for the vulnerability—gemini mercury retrograde—may 18th – june 11th

girl-readingSo, Mercury is retrograde again. And again in an Air sign.

The usual is to be expected—unexpected communication, technical, logistical, mechanical glitches.

But the bigger picture of every Mercury retrograde (and this one especially, I feel, since the Messenger God rules Gemini!!!) is a need for each one of us to get good and comfortable with three huge lessons—patience, resolve and faith.

The patience to sit still while things fall a little apart. The resolve to try again in a few minutes. The faith that whatever mess is made can surely be cleaned up.

Easy to write and read; harder to practice, yeah? Well, our Mutable Air sign isn’t leaving us completely vulnerable. Nope, we get presents!!!!

Continue reading

week ahead—scattered, but so what!!—may 18th – 21st

Arthur-Rackham-Illustration-036We wake today with a waxing Moon in Gemini after last night’s Taurus New Moon.

Ok, so there are three general events for the week—the Moon working her way through the third and fourth signs, Mercury going retrograde (today around 10PM EST) and the Sun ingressing to the sign of the Twins.

Yep. The majority goes down in Gemini.  Mutable Air.

An intellectual, flighty, witty, superficial zone, full of bright ideas and irony.

Today and tomorrow, the Moon will oppose Saturn, conjunct Mars and Mercury and sextile Uranus. With this and the retrograde, our minds will be scattered to the winds—BUT SO WHAT!!!!

It is a wonderful couple of days to brainstorm in high Gemini fashion, not insisting on a death grip of control. For when Luna moves to Cancer on Wednesday, the need for control will amp up, exponentially. And that’s OK, too.

A Cancer Moon is strong and touchy feely Water will drench us all as she conjuncts Venus and interacts with each and every outer planet Titan in a succession of fierce Cardinal mothering.

Geez!! How and what we nurture will take center stage!

This gives us a brief respite from all things Gemini, for the Sun ingresses Thursday morning almost precisely as the Leo Jupiter/Capricorn Pluto Rx quincunx exacts. More on both later.

Ah, Gemini—Spring’s malleable harbinger of Summer.


our warrior in mutable air— may 11th – june 24th

Well, this past Monday evening Mars left Taurus for Gemini.

He has spent the last two and a half months in the “newest” sector of the zodiac—the raw birthing of baby Aries, the girl-sitting-upset-in-a-chair-illustration-by-jessie-willcox-smithhoarding of toys and friends in toddler Taurus and now the precocious kindergartener of Gemini.

Yes, endless questions and triumphant answers.

Sass, insatiable inquisitivity and an undying inability to sit still.

Your average 5 year old.

Mars Gemini!

Under the desires of Mutable Air, we’ll live for the debate and excel at the technical for a little over a month—or at least whichever house Mars is traveling will get a boost of this energy.

Gemini Mars won’t have the singularity of purpose such as we’ve seen with the God of War’s sojourn in Taurus. Nope, our activities may seem scattered to the winds and a strong undercurrent of ADHD will overtake many. This will frustrate some and simply influence most in the workings of our coming days.

But our sarcastic streaks will blaze with fury. Quick with the one-liners, too smart for our own damn good!

Yes, yes, we’ll be buzzing to and fro and with Mercury set to go retro on the 18th, it should be easy to align our thoughts with our actions for many weeks to come!

Not a bad affair really.


traveling on the breeze—mercury into gemini—april 30th – july 8th

two-dancers-by-degasThursday evening, Mercury moved from Taurus to the third sign of the Gemini.

Mutable Air.  Light on our feet and full of wonder.

This marks a time of year to become insatiably curious and ask a multitude of questions, doggedly. EVERYTHING will need to be commented on, though NOTHING will hold our attentions for long.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Quick-witted and bright as the stars in the sky (Castor and Pollux to be precise!). The world will seem fresher than ever. People, places and ideas that were tired and boring last week, will seem interesting and awash in shiny shimmering ‘newness’ now.

We’ll find cause to run errands around town and take short little trips that soak up the Spring beauty. And in lieu of that, we’ll take trips in books and TV shows—anything to stimulate and feed the hunger of our ravenous brains.

And best get good and used to this energy—for Mercury will retrograde on the 18th at 13°, remaining so till June 11th at 4°. Meaning his sojourn through the sign of his rulership will last over 2 months!!

And off we go!!!


brainpower!!—venus into gemini—april 11th – may 7th

Today, Saturday, April 11th, dear Venus moves from Fixed Earth, Taurus, to Mutable Air, Gemini.

Arthur-Foord-Hughes-A-lady-reading-while-playing-the-spinet1Aphrodite rules the second sign, meaning she was in her element (hee hee!) during her stay in Taurus. Now, she has moved on to Mercury’s turf.

Really, this isn’t such a bad transition—since the two deities work rather well together. Mercury is the brains and Venus is the looks, so to speak.

But, now for the next three and a half weeks, the Goddess of Love gets to don her thinking cap and go all mental.

Gemini Venus is smart. Very smart. She is well read and precocious. She needs to flex her intellectual muscles the way Aries Mars needs to flex his actual physical muscles. Her mind is what makes her so attractive AND what she uses to attract others and situations to her.

She craves stimulation. Doing four things at once makes her happy. Listening to the radio and watching TV while writing a term paper puts her at ease. She wants to surround herself with those who can keep up and help her exhaust Mutable Air’s constant cerebral fires. (But if you think this placement is hyper, just wait til Mercury gets here in May!!!)

Yep, Gemini Venus’ energy is boundless—this lady can chat your ear off. She is interesting and interested in her surroundings. She is a bit of a know-it-all but truly appreciates those who can challenge and educate her the most. She is well-rounded and knows quite a lot about most subjects.  She is in love with ideas but loves communicating them even more. She wants to be in the know and suffers when the flow of information is blocked.

There are a few things to watch out for during this time, such as superficiality—Gemini flints across the surface of ALL things, there is little time left to dig deep. Gossip is another flaw of this celestial area. Can you blame them, really?  EVERYTHING is just so damn fascinating and it NEEDS to be discussed!


So, there you have it, guys. For almost the next month, we get to turn up the brain power—Venusian style.


and for the weekend—moving to the cerebral—april 10th – 12th

edward-burne-jones-4-the-golden-stairsWell, today, Mercury exacts his conjunction with the Aries Sun at 20° and then skadaddles right on past.

This lends a purity to the overall vibe of the weekend.  Our minds and conscious will are one and the same. No conflict, no divergent agendas—just straight up Aries!!!

Couple the above Cardinal Fire with the Moon traveling almost extensively through Cardinal Earth Capricorn for the next 3 days and just cold hard decisive action will characterize the atmosphere.

Saturday, lovely Venus moves from Taurus to Gemini. This marks a shift from lazy luxury to a desire for mental stimulation. Our Earthy senses relinquish control and the Airy workings of the intellect take over.

Fire Mercury and Air Venus—great for conversation and social mingling!

Then, Taurus Mars and Pisces Neptune sextile on Sunday for a pleasant boost to all the work the Warrior has been steady at the last week and a half. Water aids Earth with insights into imagination and emotional know-how. Duty won’t feel so heavy, as Neptune’s fog dissolves a bit of the burden for the day.

By and large, the weekend is one of the mind with a thrust toward getting tangible results.
