weekend augury—happy, happy, joy, joy!—june 5th – 7th

WoutiersTheTriumphofBacchusKHMIt’s looking to be a wonderfully positive couple days!! Nothing but trines and sextiles (oh, ok, a couple oppositions, too)!!

Today, lovely Venus moves to big-hearted Leo—where she stays for the summer due to her retrograde. Lucky us! And the Capricorn Moon makes a few final aspects before becoming VOC for the remainder of the day.

All weekend, Gemini Mars approaches a conjunction with the Sun, while sextiling both Jupiter and Uranus—Fire and Air!! All will brighten and we will have plenty of confidence to work and maybe party! This configuration becomes tightest Monday but we surely benefit now, too.

Tomorrow the Moon has moved to Aquarius to oppose Venus, then trine Gemini Mercury Rx. For her part, Venus trines Saturn Rx in Sadge. We’ll feel stable but also extravagantly sincere in our day-to-day emotional dealings. Fire fanned by the winds of Air.

Also Saturday, the Gemini Sun quincunxes Capricorn Pluto adding depth and intensity to Gemini’s fluttering mental gymnastics—great for conversations and such.

Sunday, sees Luna livin’ big with a sextile from Jupiter and Uranus AND trining the Sun & Mars. Aquarius loves the people and engaging socially will be a no-brainer under this influence!!

The Moon then goes VOC for the evening, so we can relax and ready for the work week.

Good times.


week ahead—grounding balance—april 13th – 16th

Our upcoming week shows extra emphasis on the talents of the Earth element—which is great, cuz we’re gonna need it!Friedrich-Caspar-David-ZZZ-The-Rock-Gates-in-Neurathen

For the week, the waning Moon will spend her time in Aquarius then Pisces.

While here, there is potential to get swept away with “out there” excitable daydreams and/or painful, unrealistic emotional dramas.

Uh oh.

But not likely. Let me explain.

We start the week similar to yesterday—Uranus/Pluto square still in effect, as well as the Mars/Neptune sextile. We are also getting accustomed to Venus now in Gemini.


And Tuesday sees Mercury leave Aries for Venus ruled, Taurus.


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accepting the challenge—mars with jupiter/uranus/pluto—march 9th – 11th

Edward-Robert-Hughes-Painting-018Late last night, Aries Mars trined Leo Jupiter Rx and then, in the wee hours of the morning, he conjuncted Uranus. Tomorrow, the God of War will square Capricorn Pluto.

Venus recently made her way through each of these very aspects leading into last week’s Full Moon and now its her valiant paramour’s turn to do the same.

Very similar vibe but also very different.

For one thing, our physical energy for the next few days will be off the charts! Unless afflicted by something in the natal chart, it will simply seem as if our vigor knows no bounds.  Collectively, we simply want to get out and meet life head on—play as if our souls depended on it!!

Alright, we are actually in the thick of this RIGHT NOW, so on to the particulars.

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smokin’ hot—venus with uranus, jupiter and pluto—march 4th

Art-Nouveau-Painting-022Can you feel the amped up energies of late?

And well, today, Venus conjuncts Aries Uranus, trines Leo Jupiter Rx and squares Capricorn Pluto.


This is the sizzling build up for tomorrow’s Full Moon and it’s gonna have us consumed with hot, torrid looovvvveeee for the next couple days!

Love and art; love and money; love and values—the lack or abundance of it, the gutt wrenching possibilities of it, the desirous annihilation of it.

A conjunction, a trine and a square—

To start, Aphrodite under Uranian influence is eye-catching. This is where form meets weird—and we are transfixed. We will be on high alert to those subtle and sometimes not so, ques that magnetize us to others and them to us in return. The more erratic the sentiment, the more it titilates—enough friction to burn.

Venus receiving a trine from Leo Jupiter is a gift. Joy and social charm are exaggerated to a magnificent degree—too much of a good thing in this case is definitely wonderful. We are experiencing the pull of mind-blowing seduction and with the aid of a Fire Jupiter, can express its grandeur fully.

Lastly, Pluto is involved in tense aspect, therefore this gripping attraction may prove to actually be a sleazy revulsion. Or, possibly worse, a foolish obsession.

The God of the Underworld loves hard and craves satisfaction to the core. Things turn on a dime before the inhaled breath is released. The clutches of Pluto could leave the Goddess of Love singed. Or could deepen the allure.

I, for one, am loving these Aries transits.


holy fire balls—march 1st

Alright, four main astrological things go on today.Mikalojus_Konstantinas_Ciurlionis_-_FRIENDSHIP_-_1906_-_7

  • Aries Venus conjuncts the South Node
  • Aquarius Mercury opposes Leo Jupiter Rx
  • Mercury sextiles Aries Uranus
  • Jupiter Rx trines Uranus

Tons of Fire with Mercury fanning the flames from an Air sign.

Shall we?

Combining these events, three clear celestial theatres of the day emerge.

#1  Venus will go to work on your past—namely letting go of dead weight. Finally putting to rest any relationships and/or financial habits that are more roadblock than sure shot will be high on the agenda.

It will be fast, Aries style, along the lines of “What the hell have I been doin’ all these years?!?!?!?”

#2  Mercury will go to work on your future. He and Jupiter finally get to exact their opposition at 14º. They were denied this act back when Mercury went retrograde literally hours before culmination and now it will be realized.

Here the logic of Aquarius waltzes with the faith of Leo. Back and forth, back and forth. Add to this dynamic the out-of-this-world operations of Uranus and it makes for a heady couple days of uncanny mental insight.

#3  As for Jupiter trining Uranus, we are implored to contemplate how religion, education and politics can be used to make the world a better place . . . or not?

Their trine lasts longer than the short-lived trysts of Venus and Mercury, sticking around through Thursday’s Full Moon, on into the second week of March. I will have plenty more to say about this duo in later posts.

Lastly, please keep in mind, there is a myriad of planets in Fire in the Heavens. Things happen quick and sometimes it will burn.

Choose to see it as a cauterization rather than a inferno and the times to come will be warm and inviting.


a day that can’t be pinned down—sun conjunct neptune—feb 26th

It will probably come as no shock to many of you that last night at midnight, the Sun and Neptune exacted theireb26c-1 conjunction at 7º16′ Pisces.

To accompany the watery mist of this conjunction, the Moon is squaring the pair from Gemini, today. Also, a sign not known for it’s stable nature.

Having Venus, Mars, Uranus, Jupiter, the South Node and Saturn all in Fire signs, generates a consuming steam wafting from the murky Piscean depths. Those who can naturally navigate these waters with spry agility have access to creative talents which will abound with imaginative Neptunian fervor.

And luckily, the Jupiter Rx/Pluto/Chiron yod has reformed, lending a needed Leonine focal point for those of us who require a palpable material expression.

The last week has felt unsolid and unhinged to me. There’s simply a sense that the bottom will fall out of our entire existence, either from decayed rot or fundamental illusion. Maybe both.

This is precisely how a Neptune transit usually feels. The best course of action is to surrender and drift.

Just float along.

Yesterday and today, the conjunction is at its most vital. Remember, the fade will fade, I promise.


carouse the night away—sun opposite jupiter—feb 6th

Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-052As the Moon rushes through Virgo, today, the Aquarius Sun will oppose Jupiter Rx at 17º.

Jupiter is getting a fair sight of play this week due all his inconjuncts and oppositions coming from the 11th sign. ‘Tis the Season of the Water Bearer, after all.

And this is a good, good thing.

Jupiter is the Santa Claus/Jolly Buddha of the zodiac. He gives and gives and laughs and laughs. Such a fundamental spirit of kindness and glee with this one.

When the Sun opposes him, we err on the side of excessive . . . whatever!

This is similar to the energy we experienced at the beginning of the week with the Full Moon. The pull of the Leo/Aquarius axis—the eternal battle of the Fire/Air dynamics—me/us!!!

Only this weekend, there is little to do with healing our wounded souls, personal or collective, and just quite simply wonderfully decadent social glut. Just in time for the weekend!!

Yep, this is a feel good one—we’ll be going to extremes. BIG as we can get.

Fair warning—don’t get in over your head—

Unless that’s exactly what your world is needing!


mercury rx sextile uranus/south node—jan 27th

On his way backward through Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde is meeting up with Aries Uranus conjunct the South Node, Tuesday, the 27th, Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-055when the three sextile at the 13º.

The last time this occurred was two weeks ago on the 13th, though that time Hermes was conjunct Venus.

This time, the Messenger God flies solo.

Mercury and Uranus together in Air and Fire, respectively, speak to inspired genius. Expect brilliance to flow effortlessly.

The addition of the Uranus + South Node requires a radical roll call of what should be brought with us into our future and, more importantly, what should be left triumphantly in our past.

Mercury gets squared my the Taurus Moon Tuesday, as well. Take all the above and add a little extra dose of worry and emotional restlessness to the mix.

One down side to the whole mash-up is the Uranian tendency to forget to look before he leaps, but the intrinsic introspective logic of Retrograde Aquarius Mercury will likely put the brakes on anything too outrageous.

Use this energy to finish up any creative endeavors, for your inventive mind will know few boundaries with the help of Fiery Uranus, while the steady waters of the Taurus Moon will insure depth of expressive Mercurial power.


december 17th—thoughts toward Cappy praxis

The sign of Capricorn is heating up just in time for the spectacular Winter Solstice/New Moon on the 21st!!

Venus ingressed to the sign of the Goat last Wednesday and this week it is Mercury’s turn.

Florence-Mary-Anderson-Illustration-024Even dear Mars in Aquarius shares an affinity with all planets transiting the 10th sign in the fact that Saturn used to be the 11th sign’s ruler too, way back when.

So, on the 17th, the Winged Messenger will move from Sagittarius to Capricorn.

From Mutable Fire to Cardinal Earth.

With this change, thoughts and communication will get a bit more serious, some of the jolly will be replaced with rational thoughts of holiday budgets and proper decorum.

Ah yes, but the flip side is Mercury will team with Venus to give each of us the perfect tools to create or simply carry on the seasonal traditions that make this time of year so meaningful.

Yes, Capricorn is the sign of tradition and steadfast cultural mores. He gets greatest satisfaction by building upon the past. Remembering our histories and respecting our collective customs make the Goat’s heart flutter.

All the little things we do this time of year simply because someone older did them when we were growing up are the requisite Cappy fodder.

Don’t resist it—the Sagittarius party is coming to an end.  The Saturnine need to hunker down and horde time honored habits and ways of life is at hand.

‘Tis the Season.


december 14th—uranus square pluto—thorn in your side

Well, in the Heavens, as many of you probably already know, a battle is raging between Pluto and Uranus.

Voyager_Uranus_732X520Since 2012, there have been 5 exact squares and today, December 14th, the 6th will occur, with the final going down next Spring.

Pluto has recently gone direct and is interacting with Uranus Rx this time at 12º 35′ Capricorn and Aries, respectively.

When all is said and done, from the 6th degree to the 15th of Cardinal Fire and Earth, a metamorphosis of monumental proportion will have transpired.

For the last few years, nationally and globally, stargazers have been speculating beforehand, then reporting on afterwards, the mundane, explosive, effects of this dynamic.

There has also been quite an analysis of the the past conjunction between these two leviathans back in 1965/1966. And here is an excellent article comparing the waxing/waning cycles of Pluto/Capricorn throughout the last centuries and into this one.

As for the current square, I personally like this take. And here is another. And yet, another.

Yes, yes, much has been said about it all.

But you know what, I feel an important nuance has been overlooked and I would like to highlight it, now.

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