weekend, now—pivots and action points—june 12th – 14th

Rossetti_1915_Sing_Song_Girls_AngelSo, Mercury is now direct!! Neptune is now retrograde; Saturn is hovering at the zero degree. Jupiter and Uranus are still givin’ the good vibes from their fiery thrones and the Sun and Mars are of one mind in Gemini.

That’s the weekend in a nutshell, folks.

Luna will spend today and tomorrow in Taurus—slow and steady and oh, so sensual—interacting with Neptune and Chiron in Pisces and Venus in Leo. All nice for a relaxing weekend. She will then move to Gemini on Sunday, conjuncting Mercury and opposing Saturn as he regresses into Scorpio that night—gearing up mentally for the work week ahead.

The Sun overtakes Mars at 23° Gemini on Sunday, as well—beginning a new cycle for our Warrior.

In one way or another, everything mentioned leads back to the intellectualism of Gemini.

Ideas, ideas, ideas. Retracing to inject cheerful wit and bold genius.



just enough is plenty—taurus new moon—may 18th

This evening, shortly after midnight, the Sun and Moon conjunct at almost 27° Taurus.

the-fruit-bearers-Taurus is Fixed Earth.

Solid and true. Stubborn and predictable. Abundant, sometimes greedy.

The two Luminaries make no major aspects with another planet, thus standing alone in their union—completely appropriate.

But hours before they exact, Luna trines Capricorn Pluto Rx and squares Leo Jupiter—bringing more Earth and more Fixed energy into the equation. (Jupiter and Pluto are currently quincunxing, preparing to exact on the 21st—more on that later.)

On her own, Taurus cares deeply about stability, longevity and bounty. But with the above celestial additions, issues of trust and security become paramount in tonight’s event. There will be a near obsessive questioning of how much is enough?

And do I have it?

Love. Health. Friends. Joy. Money. Food. Laughter.

Yes, the area this Lunation occurs in your natal is probably keeping you awake at night of late—nevermind if you have planets or points at the exact degree.

Scary business when fundamental surety is lacking.

We all know life is never a sure thing, but it still worries us from time to time—and some more than others and in very different ways and at different times!!!

Ok, so how to calm these fears using tonight’s Taurean energy? Well, it is quite simple, really—ritual and routine.

Start one!

The more personal and innocent the better—make it your own inside joke with the universe! A mini-prayer and promise that things are gonna be OK.

The Bull is slow and steadfast—the simple act of lighting a candle or brewing a cup of tea (or whatever!!) when certain fears surface, then doing it over and over, day after day, will pacify the demons and ground the spirit.

Will it fix the problem—uhmm, NO!! But it will center your resolve to carry on and carrying on is the Bull’s bread and butter!

Happy New Moon, ya’ll!


for the weekend—roadblocks and resources—may 15th – 17th

Today, Gemini Mars opposes Sagittarius Saturn Rx—the atmosphere will be intellectually nervous with obstacle after obstacle popping up to stand in our way.

None of our attempts at action will go according to plan—best rethink the master scheme a bit or simply wait for better days.

Good thing it’s Friday, huh?  (Unless, of course, if it’s not your Friday.)

While Mars and Saturn go at it, the waning Aries Moon gets bolstered from a sextile with flighty Mercury and a trine from enthusiastic Jupiter but later she is slammed with a square from intense Pluto and a conjunction to erratic Uranus.

The day will feel like a nip of gin—burns but somehow warms, upturns but somehow steadies, calms but somehow excites—ALL AT ONCE!!!

Tomorrow is much better, for Cancer Venus trines Pisces Neptune—a lovely Water balm to ease frustration!

Although we will still be contending with the thwarted effects of the day before, it won’t matter that much since the vibe will seem so smoothly EMOTIONALLY transcendent.

And Sunday sees Luna in Taurus trudging along her way to the New Moon shortly after midnight Monday.

She sextiles both Neptune and Chiron and squares Jupiter—bringing a healing/spiritual dynamic to the Lunation as well as, unfortunately, a feeling of enough is NEVER enough.

I will dig deeper into that in an upcoming post.



weekend augury—giving or getting?—april 17th – 19th


crane-walter-the-horses-of-neptune.-mythological-fine-art-print-poster.-sizes-a4-a3-a2-a1-00237-9904-pLate last night, Capricorn Pluto began retrograde motion at 15°, while today sees a fixed square between Taurus Mars and Leo Jupiter.

If things have been going to your liking as of late, all this is gonna solidify the will to keep on keepin’ on. But if you’ve been frustrated with your daily energy levels and general productivity, suffering one roadblock after another—this is gonna make you want to beat your head against the pavement.

The waning Moon is currently moving through the initial degrees of Cardinal Aries soon to conjunct Uranus and square Pluto—further intensifying the above.

If it’s good, it’s gonna be real good. Hell, yeah!!!   If it’s bad—I am truly sorry.

But hold tight—there’s hope!

Saturday, at around 3PM EST, Luna will meet up with Sol for the Aries New Moon at 28°. I’ll dig deeper into this in a later post.

Let’s just say, if you are in the kickin’ ass group, this Fire lunation will continue to fuel the way. But if you are on the ass kicked end—a blessed new beginning is certainly possible.

Regardless, on Sunday, as the Moon slips into her Taurus comfort zone, Gemini Venus squares, and Taurus Mercury sextiles, Pisces Neptune.

I always like to see the God of the Illusion engaged on a Sunday. No matter what your work schedule looks like, I find Sunday’s to be the one day EVERYONE can use a break and dear Neptune certainly can deliver.

There will be a lazy haze shrouding the day.

Like a cool breeze (Gemini) drifting (Mutable) across a tranquil lake (Pisces) intent on whispering (Mercury) sweet nothings (Neptune) lovingly (Venus) to the statuesque pines (Taurus) ashore.


mercury rx sextile uranus/south node—jan 27th

On his way backward through Aquarius, Mercury Retrograde is meeting up with Aries Uranus conjunct the South Node, Tuesday, the 27th, Lovely-Vintage-Illustration-Clip-Art-055when the three sextile at the 13º.

The last time this occurred was two weeks ago on the 13th, though that time Hermes was conjunct Venus.

This time, the Messenger God flies solo.

Mercury and Uranus together in Air and Fire, respectively, speak to inspired genius. Expect brilliance to flow effortlessly.

The addition of the Uranus + South Node requires a radical roll call of what should be brought with us into our future and, more importantly, what should be left triumphantly in our past.

Mercury gets squared my the Taurus Moon Tuesday, as well. Take all the above and add a little extra dose of worry and emotional restlessness to the mix.

One down side to the whole mash-up is the Uranian tendency to forget to look before he leaps, but the intrinsic introspective logic of Retrograde Aquarius Mercury will likely put the brakes on anything too outrageous.

Use this energy to finish up any creative endeavors, for your inventive mind will know few boundaries with the help of Fiery Uranus, while the steady waters of the Taurus Moon will insure depth of expressive Mercurial power.


to have and to hold . . . full moon in taurus

Vintage-Old-Book-Illustration-012Thursday, November 6th, at around 4:30 PM CST, is the Full Moon.

Since the New Moon Eclipse, we have seen Mars change signs, Mercury turn direct, the Sun and Venus trine Neptune and the Moon gather all manner of power to get to the 14th degree of Taurus.

Ah, Scorpio Sun opposing the Taurus Moon—Fixed Water Ego against Fixed Earth Instinct—2nd House to 8th House . . .

The axis between these two lovelies is symbolic of what you have and what others share with you.

Personal possessions and joint property.

This isn’t just money—nope.

This is loyalty, self-worth, family, secrets, endurance, power, libido, shelter from the storm, obsession, comfort, intimacy, legacy, compulsion, sensuality, persistence, strength of will, passion, determination, sustenance, values, ambition . . .

The salt of the Earth is mined from this polarity.

Fixed signs have the ability to remain while all else withers back to dust. Stamina to see the job to completion. The innate drive to build an empire.

Whichever house 14º Taurus occupies is where you have the opportunity to shed Luna’s sunlight on the seedling intentions planted on the 8th. To lay to rest any demons Chiron or Pluto unearthed during this very week.

To give the  battle call, rally the troops and engage life with the full propriety of resolve and grit.


october 10th—moon adventures through Taurus

moonqueenOn the 10th, the transiting Moon pulls some energy to your Taurean house throughout the day.

Early morning around 8 AM, she inconjuncts Pisces Chiron and Libra Venus to form a lovely Yod.  These three conjoining point to the ability to release emotional wounds through balancing and beautifying the area occupied by Taurus. Turning pain into artistic expression.

Next at about lunch time, Luna forms a second Yod with Sagittarius Mars and the Libra Sun.  This is a much more action orientated event. Drawing power from the Full Moon’s Kite formation, the Moon filters the fiery will to act of Mars/Sun to work, albeit emotionally, on the sector of your chart dealing with self-worth and esteem.

Lastly, the Taurus Moon opposes Scorpio Saturn late in the evening, applying the breaks to the day. Emotions will seem heavy and worrisome, though the silver lining is always impeccable form through Saturnian discipline and patience.

The yin/yang is well-balanced and splendid—passive beauty of the morning leads to assertive spirit in the afternoon.
